Was Guka Sanders genuine to help the fainting man or its just politics?

Or did he just rush to look?


cc @FieldMarshal CouchP

he saw an opportunity to show his “caring side” and he capitalized on it

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I’m having problems playing that video. In the mean time, here is Senor Jeb Bush begging his supporters to clap for him :smiley:



lmao i am thoroughly enjoying this presidential race

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he has to be one of the most miserable political candidates in this race

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yep, please clap :D:D

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Hiyo ya Jeb Bush sio voice over edit, but the audience seems fake, its like they get cued on when to laugh by someone or something not captured by the camera

Hehe the US is not ready for another bush/african american/trump hence the race is between sanders/cruz/hillary

Ni genuine. Just google “Jeb bush, please clap”

Hey guru for some reason I am having problems playing that video but then again I don’t follow politics as much… But I feel compelled to follow you here…:slight_smile:

Man hii thirstiness yako iko kila mahali? Go wank brare!!



I am sure they must have thought ISIS have come calling :smiley:

Hello Mkufuu. Be patient, it will play.

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that was pure politics.
dont be suprised to find out later it was stage managed… (the fainting and the purported rescue)

Cant play the video too but what the hell @Guru, I’ll play you any day.

(Ok, a 74 old grandpa going to the rescue? Where was everybody else?)

Watu wa CNN wanafannya campaign ya liberals. They will post edited videos takes at vague angles.

Again, politicians will do anything for the vote. You remember how Carson was behaving like pope/saint in the beginning? His advisors seem to have corrected him and now he is human again.