wankermeat the goatfucker gerrahia. kibaki,PEV,idp na hague.

@Wakanyama how come kibaki who is the cause of all this misery for your demi gods.
never get blamed even a little bit.
he should be accorded some blame.
if he had not stolen elections from baba we should not have fought.
there would be no idps.
nobody angepelekwa hague.
chokosh sychophant leo umenyamaza sana


Shaitan, mwizi wa lawn mower


kifaki hakuiba, ni babuon alikuwa anajaribu kuiba akakutiliwo na akatolewa mbio

** butsher man ana kuja na swords **


Auuuuuuuuuuui ini giki kimodo gite, kumbaff wewe ongea tena ghasia hii

mwizi wa matumbo na vaginas za ngombe kwa githinjiro

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Jagili ino ya TNA

the fact he had lost.
baba had majority in parliament

Sema ngw’e and I will wipe ktalk with your rotten meat

ulikuwa part gani ya kenya during hio election ? and do you believe that the pev was spontenous??

hata siwezi kumbuka. lakini stealing by kibaki made a very volatile situation worse


Nothing spontaneous about it.

Yes well put.Ejaculating cant be spontaneous not unless you sick.It depends with where one was…wengine husema ni mashetani…

Kawamboi punguza bangi na fombe.

Moi aliiba kura mara mob na hakuna vita ilitokea. Vita ilipangwa na ODM. Na baada ya hayo yote, Kama kuna mtu ataumia ni baba sababu hatawai kua prezzo

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