Is it just me or experience ya this Kijiji na Nairobi in general you can scan a woman for kunguruness subconsciously… for instance the above lady it says kunguru sugu
Utafika bei
Tattoos everywhere
The ratchet gaze
Kunguru sugu veteran maraya
Sidai kunguru sugu
Tattoo kwa thigh = Malaya. Case closed.
Before nifuge Bibi. Itabidi nimemleta uku inspekshen
Na uweke number elder wajaribu Kupima kama yuko loyal
2 step verifikeshen
Sio kabaya kanakaa kutafunika vizuuri
Kama Hawa ndio wanacharge 3k and they let you nut inside their mouth plus sucking the cum out of your balls. Hawa ndio wanajua the real definition of emptying your balls. Kiss them at your own Risk
There’s a problem. Kissing is dangerous. Yet, part of sex. Sasa unezakuwa unakissingi dem wako au wife yet she swallows cum from her side niggaz. Hizi vitu ni ngumu kujua. And I’m not implying that people should go overboard and start kissing and CJing these danguro lanyez. But you have to analyse the situation and make a decision.
Theres an elder that once said never finger a woman. That you can pick an infection underneath her. Taking such precautions is not bad, but sometimes not necessary. Especially when you apply the 2% rule.
Nikama kusema unaogopa kupanda ndege juu itaanguka. The plane can crash, but there’s a less than 2% chance of that crash actually happening.
I always evaluate my choices using the 2% rule. If chances of something bad happening are less than that 2%, I take my chances. Na sijawahi blunder.
You can as well go dry frying, chances of catching hiv is less than 2%
Imagine you board a bus from Nairobi to Mombasa, and you learn that the driver is an alcoholic—possibly even drunk at that moment. The conductor assures you that the chance of an accident is only 2%. Would you rely on that probability, or would you use common sense and find a safer alternative?
The same logic applies to protecting yourself in relationships. If your wife cheats, it might happen occasionally—once or twice a month. But with a prostitute, the risks are entirely different. Always prioritize your safety
Akina kahawa wata fanya pipi a cancel marriage
Analipisha ngapi elderna Ako wapi. Ama hata wewe uko fishing expedition