Kichwa ni kubwa kuliko mwili. She looks like a low IQ bonobo from a very remote area
Totally uncalled for
Totally called for
Kwani unataka kut*MBA Maina Kageni?
a man who derivatives pleasure from body shaming women is most likely gay!
A man who performs sex with masculine looking women is an absolute gày
wewe mzee hata adabu huna,utukane kienyeji but we all know you like from behind:)
Ghasia takataka maffi
hii nakula kwa giza
Were you the one who posted about tribal stereotyping should be banned here?
Nyani haoni kudule
Leta namba nionje nikupe feedback
bollocks - men are constantly taking jibes at flat arsed chicks, bowlegged chicks and shit.
She got egged shaped head, siezi mind ku-fertilize her eggs
Hapa ni wewe tu. Potential teammates ni the bodaboda guys at your local stage.
i agree a man who always sees only flaws on a woman (even the most ugly old woman) and does not see any positive thing is a large HOMOSEXUAL .
Demakubu wewe ni humbwer ghaseer
Hi na kula, but si mali ya kulipa