True, it’s hard to understand what women want. Kuna mwingine i used to smash even in their family car. She despised the husband very much yet he was providing everything. Yani dame akitaka anything ni simu tu na pesa inaingia , sahizo ni pesa za kulipa ka hotel for me to smash her.
ilifika point nikaanza kuhurumia jamaa vile he’s out there grinding na wife ni kumwongelea mbaya tu, nikajitoa.
Best approach is to look for a lady who respects you.
Mimi nikipata billions siwezi pea mwanamke. I would rather buy a BMW niendeshe until the wheels fall off ndio ninunue ingine. I will only sell them the illusion of my billions vile msito Chris Kirubi alikuwa anafanya na kulipa 10k after sekete ya weekend mzima.
I don’t think it is an esteem issue but rather njaro za kaka sungura. Kuna beshte yangu amekula makunguru by passing off my ranch and businesses as his. Since makunguru humuona often kwa biashara yangu, they fall for his ruse that he is a part owner na hivyo tuu ndio omwami huwatoka kuma ya bure wakifikiria wamepata through pass to billions.
You can use money as long as you ditch any notion of romanticism. What is bad is the deluded rich guys who think that they’ve become charming all of a sudden after they got some money. People like Arabs and Indians use money to get women, but they understand that it’s strictly business and breeding, no romance. If you can operate that way, use money all you like
Maintenance costs fall sharply after the second kid. Hapo unakuwanga umeweza dame 10-nil juu she has nowhere to run. Also, maintenance costs can fall sharply due to age. Ile market dame ako nayo at 23 sio same na 35 and 2 kids later. Her bargaining power falls daily due to age and pregnancy.
Saa hii unaweza chukua slay queen wa 23 years. Mtombe umpee watoi watatu by 30. After that point its your way or the highway. Who will marry her with your 3 kids?? She has nowhere to run. The high maintenance costs of slay queens are temporary unless akose kushika mimba yako (DNA verified) within quick circumstances in which case I recommend chasing her away like a burukenge.
A study was conducted and it showed that most wives will divorce their husbands if they lose their jobs. What that means is most marriages are held together by money, but “love” takes all the credit. The only reason most women are married to the same man for decades is because the man is useful financially. Its not because they “love” the man.
I think both genders are shallow and there is nothing wrong with that. Some men also marry women for their beauty, the same way women marry men for money. What happens when the woman gets old/loses her beauty? The same thing that will happen if the man loses his money.
Sadly, most men think that they are in “loving” relationships until they fall on hard times. That’s when they learn very quickly that money was doing most of the work and “love” was taking the credit. Men are the hopeless romantics…women are ruthless pragmatists.
There are some hard-headed ladies out here who don’t care about the maths. My own mama watoto is still hard-headed despite two kids. Even now I have kicked her out to her parent’s house but she is unrepentant. We’ll see if she will yield after a few months, but I might be dealing with an iron lady
huyo dem sio mrembo. She resembles a weasle. She is also a shame to her parents who took her to school to become a nurse, but she chose to ride a fat dick . Alafu pia, all taste the same after the initial excitement. Also why is he allowing his wife to take naked photos. Unaambia wanaume nini?
This trick works with 99.99% of women. It reminds me of someone I knew and still marvel at the ‘genius’ approach to feast on countless women from all walks of life. The guy used to be an errand boy for some powerful ambassador who also happened to be his distant relative. He was entrusted to take care of a lavish penthouse the ambassador would sometimes stay in, but very rarely, situated in kileleshwa complete hadi na gari.
Seeing the opportunity, my guy decided to craft himself a new persona and passed the house and car as his own. He even had access to a pistol he would flaunt around adding a layer of intimidation/perceived power to his fake identity. Kwa nyumba hadi alikua amemount picha zake kwa frame na masuti kali looking very accomplished (this was the norm in that era).
He also had fake documents in nice bags placed in strategic places in the house to be ‘accidentally discovered’ by nosy ladies that portrayed him as a well-connected businessman with ties to international trade. He spoke of deals in Europe, occasional trips to Dubai, and investment opportunities in real estate.