wanaume kataa kutumiwa vibaya

Their sexual preferences are very narrow and the father of the child is usually their best picture of what they want. It’s unlikely you can ever fit into that picture. The other thing is that there are many women who see men simply as providers to be captured. To be quite honest these ones are usually the ultra feminine.
sexuality and gender inclinations are a continuum. The more tolerable women have obvious masculine features including behaviour. a completely reasonable woman simply behaves and will look like a man. the hormonal levels follow this pattern.
find your balance. lakini sijasema uanze kutafuta ndume.

Very well put.

Wisdom detected… These women will always gauge you against the ex…
Some man told me some years ago…
A woman will never forget the first man who opened her womb and gave her the 1st taste of labor pains

Our resident alpha males are a funny lot. They create singo mathas, then put up thread after thread bashing them. I respect these women coz they could have easily aborted but chose to have those kids. Kuna slay queens wengi officially hawana watoto but sahii wangekua wanaitwa mum na watoto sita.

Sio kama, ni…


single mothers huwa na vidonda kwa roho na huwa delicate. otherwise tunaelekea ile maisha ya huko uzunguni.

Je wale singo mothers established?Hawataki pesa yako, doshi tu…mnasema tuweke pin Ngong forest pia?

Ghai!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D Hii nimesikia leo despite my many years studying and researching on the science of single motherhood.

This is exactly what we don’t want to deal with. If they themselves cannot deal with their demons, wewe ni nani uingilie.

Inakaa wanaume wameamua single mother is a no go zone.

ati trying to understand a single mother?..kichwa inachemka nikijaribu kuelelewa machine learning principles, hyo time ya kuelewa kunguru iko wapi?



Unless she’s widowed kimbia kabisa the ex will hit it anytime they meet.

So a woman lied to you and tried to manipulate you emotionally with her fake tears? Gee, man, that is so unlike them. I wonder what could have gotten into her to make her act like that. They’re always stand up people who never manipulate anyone. Anyways, in all seriousness, singo matha is a no-go zone na mmeishi kuambiwa hapa. Those women are broken and almost all of them have a deep resentment for any human being with a penis between his legs. Singo mathas unafaa ukule na uingie mitini uachie beta males kama @byro zifuge hizo kunguru.