Wanaume Huchapa Wall, Don't Delude Yourself.

Women’s no 1. consideration is STATUS! Kuhit wall for men ni kufika 35, na hauna gari, hauna kazi, hauna hao. Hapo bro hapo umechapa wall vibaya sana!

wewe ndio meffi ya kudharau beshte yako ako 35 instead of encourage him

Wall ndio nini kwa mwanaume


Ndio nashangaa

Nigga, we don’t need validation from women… Men are not women, women are the ones searching for validation from society not men. A man’s value is internal while that of a woman is external and dependent on society.

If a man gets a car akiwa 45 years old iko shida gani.? If he lands his dream job akiwa 45, kuna shida gani? If he completes building his house at age 45, kuna shida gani.? For man, time is but his friend… He is in no hurry. Everyday until his deathbed, his testes manufacture sperms that can impregnate a whole village of virgins…

Brother, men do not need validation from the world… Men don’t have a limited number of eggs like women… A man runs his own race at his own pace. Even Colonel Sanders (KFC) got his breakthrough in his late 50s. For man, time is but his friend.

So quit shaming other men and grow a pair.

35 kwa mwanaume is not late bwana, you are still in your thirties and got whole life ahead of you, bado uta make. In fact kupata financial breakthrough Haina age limit, a distant relative had a financial breakthrough when he was in his early fifties, I would say he is probably worth 20-30million now, which to me is pretty much like someone amemake

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If a man gets a car akiwa 45 years old iko shida gani.? If he lands his dream job akiwa 45, kuna shida gani? If he completes building his house at age 45, kuna shida gani.? For man, time is but his friend… He is in no hurry. Everyday until his deathbed, his testes manufacture sperms that can impregnate a whole village of virgins…

This is stupid… aint nobody want to struggle to that age. Kafunge mapeama ukifikisha io miaka you travel the world.

Those are your goals, and you are privileged to have achieved that by the age of 35… Sisi wengine we continue the grind until we breath our last…

For me, THE GRIND STOPS WHEN I TAKE MY LAST BREATH… I was born to work, but you take a break and travel the world. To each his own.


:D:D:D…walai i can gurantee you dont believe this bullcrap.

The moment you stop working you die. Thats how nature works. nature carries no joyriders.

If you’re lucky kukafunga mapema, then good for you. But me still believe kukafunga haina age limit. Mwanaume anaweza kafunga akiwa hata 45, first car yake at 45, akifika 50s akawa wealthier than agemates wake walikafunga mapema and probably bought first cars in their twenties

If a man never stops getting money and working out, utangoja achape wall hadi ukufe. So, get your money and focus on your health.

Hehe, male wall is when kihara, kitambi and wrinkles catch up with you in mid 30s. MGTOWs come beat me

Just keep grinding. But if you get to 35 and you can’t afford a car, you need to review your plan. If it’s kids holding you back, it’s understandable.

This is some bullshit… if my money is working for me trust me i will be plane hopping like motherfucker.

Father time takes no prisoners. It is one thing kuchapa after you’ve already had kids, than kuchapa before having them. Na kuchapa ni guaranteed. MGTOW wanajipata na kipara, kitambi, na vitz at age 39 and think they stand a chance against a broke 23 year old nigga with a six pack. Hawajui damsels view them only as a cheque na hata hawangependa kuonekana na wao in public. Nigga will be trying to bait a 20 year old with his peanuts, huyo dame anaenda dunda na her agemate fisi wanasherehekea doh yake.

There is no gurantee utakafunga at 45. At that age you cannot make mistakes …make mistake and learn from them while time is still on your side… if you screw up at that age you is screwed.

You relax, we’ll use the extra time to try and catch up… Humans are competitive creatures after all, that’s why we sit on top of nature’s food-chain

Endelea kujidangaya at 45 you shouldn’t be trying shit…

If I become a billionaire by the age of 60, does it matter.? Does it really matter? Nigga, maybe that’s the timeline nilikuwa nimejiwekea. Your timeline is yours, not ours… Your goals are yours not mine.

You people have it twisted.