wall curio design

Make your order now.0701466960[ATTACH=full]23820[/ATTACH] here to make your house marvelous… As low as 1500 you get your house look nice.0701466960[ATTACH=full]23820[/ATTACH]



kali sana kwnza iyo ya maji

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Hio ya calabash iko true. @Antoney is it painted or printed? Mbesha ngapi?

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mbesa ngapi


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1500 hyo ndongo then 2000 hyo kubwa… Unataka gani

hii ni gani? O.o

Mzee fafanua Zaidi watu wanunue.
Hio ya fountain ni painting ama printing
Tafadhali weka prices e.g from left price x, next price y etc
Dimensions,location etc

@Antoney do you have a website or a facebook page or something with more details … pics, prices etc?

please check out wall curio design on facebook