Wakenya Wana Akili Moja Kama Housefly. What Did The 90+ ODM Supporters Die For in 2017? Saa Hii Their Raila Is Uhuru's Best Friend

Ask yourself that question and then come back and tell me when will we ever manage to make a Refrigerator factory in Kisumu to preseve their fish or a toothbrush factory in Samburu.

Akili za 99.99% of Kenyans zinkuaga kwa their tribal god, the brain Firmware CUNT see beyond that


Wajakoya for president…lakini wamemruka Leo tena:cool::mad:i may end up not voting for the first time in my life

Same happened in 2008 , The Lord of violence can only be tamed with handcheque

Kenyan electorate are just pawns in the grand scheme of things. Elective seats are just for personal chase to personal glory by the political class, that’s why when someone fails at the ballot they get a life line elsewhere (like the unconstitutional CAS position).

Raila’s handshake was for personal realization of his goals and ambitions, not for the guys who have lost lives and property for him in succesive election cycles. If those people meant anything to his cause, he’d have seeked financial redress from Uhuru’s government on their behalf!

Sugoi niliona akirudisha mtoto wa six months ndani ya moto Kiambaa live live. Alikua amevaa trench coat ya grey