your reverse pschology isnt fooling anyone.
everybody can see through the pretense
75% are sure you are a faggot in denial
:D:D:D:D the humour
Who chooses to call himself wong ? That’s just wong.
wong wants dong
He believes in the expression “dong knock it until you try it”.
siwezi mind kukukamua
What will be in his eulogy as coz of death…
Guess this is nature’s way of wiping off bad shit
Finally, confirmation from a gay guy… not that it wasn’t obvious.
k talk fags fighting back,but i will soldier on
Wong has decided to power (bottom) through it.
Reminds me of the epic sword fight. The good general lost the fight fair and square.
Funny. Swordfight: The Sequel.
Only that now dongs are the preferred duel weapons.
:D:D:D keep em coming