Wait for an asteroid on 29


I started hearing about this rocks nikiwa na ten years n now there is someone who is calling me dad. So hizi ni vitisho baridi.

Hivyo ndio dinosaurs zilikua zikifikiria then boom…they are extinct now.

Bonobo reporting. The actual fact is that the asteroid will make a flyby of earth but has no chance of crashing into earth or causing any damage. It can be seen with a powerful binoculars or telescope.

Do they know they are extinct or care?

So what’s your wise suggestion? We fly to space and come back after a week?

Nop NASA said that asteroid is not a threat so no worries but we should be prepared When our luck will run out

They are ‘closely monitoring’ it…then what? If it changes its trajectory and heads directly towards us, what will they do?

They will summon Watitu who will step in and move the earth a few inches off the course of the bladi rock


The rich will hide in their nuclear bunkers sisi wengine tumalizwee na shockwaves,radiation and tsunamis

So what can we do to those rocks?

No bunker shall save anyone from an extinction level event.

Tafuta choo ya shimo uingie ndani. Never say I didn’t tell you.

You are wrong. A well designed bunker can save you. Especially if you carry supplies and shut yourself off for sometime. The animals which survived the asteroid crash which killed all dinosaurs to extinction were hid themselves in holes and caves and thus escaped the heat and chemical effects of the asteroid.

No one will be saved if the asteroid knocks earth off its orbit.

asteroids that come earths way are smaller larger ones like ceres have stable orbits so not gonna happen…

Somebody translate to us but I think some debris of asteroids zilianguka huko mwea[ATTACH=full]299214[/ATTACH]

Sounds like a meteorite disintegrated in the sky (they say there were vibrations and bright flashes of light) before some pieces fell through the roof.

Humankind has been on this earth for miaka LAKI MOJA zaidi(eflu sita kama we ni young earth creationist) and we have never been hit by an asteroid. For most of our time in existence we had no idea such a thing could happen, and even for most of civilization tide we haven’t been fearing meteroites blitzing us into extinction. Around 1680 did one Jacob Bernoulli predict the world would be struck by a comet in 1719, this is the first end-of-world prediction involving a heavenly object hitting us. People have predicted Nibiru/Planet X hitting us in 2000, in 2003, in 2012 and in 2018 and no rogue planet has destroyed us yet. Only in the 21st century has the meteoroid/asteroid collision trope become mainstream, alongside the second coming/rapture/antichrist trope which has been mainstream for centuries. Stop worrying