This is the current status of Kerugoya hospital as at 12pm today. However, you will agree with me that 346 casuals in addition to 300 medical staff, 50 data entry staff and other support staff is over staffing for a 200 bed capacity hospital.
Kirinyagas wage bill is 46% of its revenue. That must change if we will see meaningful progress. We therefore refuse to be derailed by political shenanigans of those inciting staff to go on a go-slow citing removal of casual workers.
ile mliona kwa media is the work of my enemies
Every institution has its challenges. If these images are from the same hospital as initially reported, then there might be malice and witch-hunt from the reporter.
As I have told you guys, I have some media experience. Did you see the Citizen TV report yesterday? @Meria Mata please put the clip here. They kept re-running the same shots of a blocked sink and a dirty bin over and over again. THEY WERE ALL CLOSE-UP SHOTS.
Suffice to say if I came to your house I can take a 100 close up shots to show your residence is a pest infested, dirty death trap. And not just your house, any house. What’s one blocked sink, some unwashed linen, and one full bin in a facility with a 1000 people?
The hospital story aside. they deserve it. they elected a person who was on spotlight for stealing billions. nasema ata kama hajaiba chochote huko kirinyaga aende aibe kila kitu na awache shimo kubwa sana ya deni. are these people children to be given protection like there are no men in that county?
Mnathana mtu anaweza kamua NYS Blns akitumia a hair salonist ni fala… She just got the place hurriedly repaired and conveniently took fresh pics to counter… Mbona sasa peasants hawaonyeshwi that sink in her counter? This is an intelligent f-ucker