From civil service, to UK’s dick, to CS to the sack to the governorship and to vice chairperson of CoGs. Her star is shining brighter than ever. She has good sigwembe but an average face. She got nothing on Maggie except maybe age. Watch this space cos you are looking at the CoGs next chairperson and future DP. A-looter continua!
Meanwhile turn to the person next to you and if they are of the opposite sex tell them “Fuck you” and kindly proceed to fuck them. It’s only right that we fuck randomly.
She has no nine lives we just have a useless Judiciary and Executive. In a developed nation she would be in jail but in Kenya ‘there was no evidence’ is what we have to contend with…wacha kusifu wezi wa mali ya uma
Raila had a big part to play in the rise of Waiguru. Had he not violently opposed her move to build toilets in Kibera when she was CS Devolution I probably wouldn’t know who Waiguru is. People in Kirinyaga do not trust Raila and now they have a great governor. Win win