

wife material. I choose happiness over insecurity

You ain’t making sense. This is a young beautiful woman who will still attract 10s of admirers every week…insecurity lazima kijana

First atoe hio matambara, tena hio kiremba ajifunike nayo kwa uso halafu tuongee.

@Karoga kuchukua a prayerful wife uwache kuspam kijiji na ile upuzi ya mgaytow is life.

MGTOW= FREEDOM…huyu ni post wall chieth kunguru ghaseer,huyu Ile mileage Ako nayo juu ya practicals za human anatomy amefanyiwa huko KMTC Wacha tu, from fellow students, lecturers ,party’s ,hood Yao na ndio apate hizo hospital job , women from KMTC, Polytechnic s, university or Computer and beauty College s are not marriageable,this fact will be accepted widely before 2030, hope tutakua hai we discuss this comment then.
