Wadau,Let's Talk about Murathe and Njee Muturi

Na akina Kinuthia Mbugua. What about you will be surprised by my 2022 presidential choice. Kule kwa Akorino. That’s the game at play

Its beginning to make sense to me. The first time I saw a picture of Muhoho, was after the handshake and he had visited RAO in Bondo. I have always wondered what he was doing there and his role in the handshake. Very interesting.

If I want your opinion I will give it to you. Sawa Nanok?


You are always wrong in all your analysis…I remember one time you gave us a theory of how there was a secret nail to the coffin of tinga to send him to Bondo. History has proven you wrong and so is the analogy above.

Don’t forget that he also said that Uhuru and Ruto were just fooling around and that they were still together. If you are so close to Ruto like you claim you are, how could you not see the divorce that was imminent?

In short he does guesswork from bar talk.

If Muhoho doesn’t appear anywhere as a PM candidate, spear will then change the narrative and say that Muhoho chickened out or some other fake narrative. He makes them up as he moves.

And then in his stories he usually adds a sweetener e.g Muhoho and Mama Ngina visited Ruto… :D:D:D

To make you believe that he knows these things. He was the fly on the wall. He saw them with his own eyes!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

And if you question his authenticity he quickly blocks you and calls you a troll.

@spear is like a GNLD pyramid scheme official. If you doubt his success stories you are immediately shown the door.

Let nobody lie to you that they know Uhuru’s next moves. All they’re doing is spinning. Same spinning they did by saying Uhuru supports Mariga. I hope kimeeleweka.

How else are the Kenyatta’s going to stay in charge?

Ktalkers should understand the brains behind the Kenyatta’s had reached the end of the rail,to ensure their politically stimulated investments are safe,something drastic had to be done to ensure they got options. Ruto had proved himself unreliable,though still an option,if the other forces were not soothed and yet ascend to power,the future would crumble,hence the handshake.

If it becomes economically necessary when the time comes ,the Kenyatta’s will back Ruto,come on,who saw the handshake coming?I doubt Raila is being backed to enjoy all the powers,if need be,then he will be checked via new offices through a referendum and coalition partners,Remember the fulcrum of Kenyan politics is the interest of the Kenyatta’s and their friends.However,since the environment has been made less hostile,the best option to be unleashed at the right time is a Mt Kenya candidate!!!

Is Ruto going to be impeached?You have read the papers.The plan is to disarm Ruto,hence Ruto has the option of accepting who are his master,in that case he adds a few more points on why he will be backed at the end.After disarming him,it will be ensured he cannot resign,that way it is easy to delay his game plan until it is too late considering he will be denied JP ticket,so,his name will not be on the ballot!!!You heard them shout so??

What everybody fears is this,since the plan of delaying and denying Ruto depends on so many variables,Ruto if he understands might do the following thereby winning the presidency without their help:

History shows you cant form a party and win the presidency(remember UDF drama :D:D),however you can do so and form a coalition,but it seems coalitions might not bring much as most people are being bought,so Ruto might oppose the referendum then turn that movement into a political party(remember ODM na chungwa:D:D?),resigning from government.In that case fellow Kenyans…Ruto will be your next president!!!

That is why you here referendum must be in June and Uhuru seems to be agreeing.Also that is why if need be, ia few sections will be amended via parliament to deny that option to Ruto,his likely forces in parliament are being disarmed!!!

Now you know;);):wink: anyone can be your president until you start voting with your interest at heart

I have said here muachane na spear. He is partisan so you cant have a non-partisan argument with him.

His work is to get us believing that Ruto is still in control. And he gets paid for it either directly or indirectly


He is paid public relations guy. “I know Uhuru wants to make Raila happy so that he will surprise him in 2022 by saying Ruto tosha”. He says Ruto ran the first term and again says he took a tactical retreat as early as 2013 the same year they were elected. I think anyone with a reasonable mind knew as early as 2013 that Ruto will be betrayed but the very wise still want us to believe in the secret weapon they are hiding and will be used maybe in the next world of politics.

Wapi link ya 4k movies

If uhuru impeaches ruto right now he would leave himself very exposed to tinga. That is why he is trying to bring in gideon and kalonzo as some form of insurance incase they dont see eye to eye after ruto is out of the way.

I can’t talk for murathe but I know njee personally… if you want to see Uhuru or any supreme court judges kina njoki ndungu without any hustle , he’s the man you should approach…

If you want to know what the reality is, watch and listen to the Senate debate on removing Kindiki, not one senator had anything negative to say about him, in fact they all praised him but still had to follow “orders from above” .

That was sad but showed the true situation on the ground, once the fear of state power is removed uhuru has no support!
More interesting was linturi’s speech, Et u brute? Merus won’t forget!

I went to jog, meet fellow wazee relaxed somewhere, kumekula ribs and back before the curfew abit tipsy. Kenya is a nice place and people will adjust with this pandemic.

On insurance, what value is giddy surely to anyone. He needed UhuRuto campaign in Baringo to defend senator seat in 2017. 100k votes against CS Chelugui of Jubilee with 75k votes. Then now you know how angry Kalenjins are with dynasties now for betrayals. This is why giddy is not even defending that seat again. Doesn’t want to lose badly like Issac rutto until he goes silent for 3 year out of shame. Watermelon is understandable. The man is very idle. He wake up every morning for the last 8 years and his diary is empty. His staff paid by government try very hard to find something for him to do. Trying very hard for appointments to move his time along. You have a driver and bodyguard who are underutilized bored for months as they make the usual small dash here and there. He was more than willing to join, it doesn’t matter if he gets betrayed by RAT and thrown again for 10th time. For him, the excitement is just to be back in the mix. Sad because he completely underestimates himself because he lacks any tact. Personally I played minds games with him in 2013 elections and got him to react on a wild goose chase for a week at the last lap before elections. I didn’t know how big an impact that had on him until 2014 when he said it in a national event and the whole room burst in laughter. Guys knew its was a slam dunk.

Now you have mentioned impeachment. I thought this whole discussion would be about whats in that headline. Nothing, hakuna MTU ataliona hiyo. Why does muraithe suddenly need to clarify plans, aims, plots etc. Why, for whom and what is the reason. Hiyo imewachenga sindio. Okay consumers of political narratives, you will know soon.

Still waters ran deep.

President Uhuru took 2 year to burn all grassroots support in central mpaka Kenyatta family accepted he is retiring so Muhoho should step up in his place. By removing Murkomen and Susan it showed RV that they can’t trust the 1st family anymore and they are now open for changes. Arap Kenyatta era is over. Now they have burnt Tharaka and Meru support. Keep going we will not stop you. Go for Duale as well etc. Let them dig their own grave loudly with tantrums, we will not stop them.

The biggest winner was Kindiki he actually asked nobody to campaign for his stay. He is very well financially and doesn’t need that post for his upkeep. He was silent because as deputy speaker his duty was to be impartial. He supported both sides where necessary. He was so silent the last one year until people asked if he was ill. Then he makes that speech, absolutely brilliant. Hapo he has embarrassed those that removed him. Good luck trying to win any election contest without Tharaka Nithi and Meru votes. Let’s see how you can juggle RAT, pacify him and still campaign for political inheritance in the region. All in one.

Murkomen and Susan you sudden rise is a bright spot in this political arena. You both have a great future. This is just how DP Uncle Ruto rose, that day RAT fired his as Agriculture Minister. The rest is history.

I think what people forget is that kindiki was from the URP side from the very beginning, there’s no way he was going to turn against Ruto!
Uhuru’s behaving as if he owns Centro voters, we’d like to remind him of 1997…atajua hajui!