Wadau kujeni

Ana kutafuta juu anataka pesa ya Corona.

There’s nothing you can do to her. Unajua ata kukuwa single mother ndio ilikuwa Inafanya aende atafute pesa. And she fucked around more than you caught her.

Kama unakula jua tu ni pesa anatafuta… since you’ve become a viable option again…

Kula slices alafu Ingia karura. Dawa ya mwanamke nikumwacha ama kumlenga

Am not complaining.I wanna take some sweet revenge that she will neffa effa forget

Sijakula bado.havent seen her.but najua maisha ya Nairoffi ishamlemea, shez looking at me as the nearest way out.atakuja tu

Yeah Kuna wengi wanatafutana hivyo this period. Avenue ya ku Pata sponsor zimeisha. They have to rely on past contacts. Alafu kwao is not comfortable. And they feel it more now that they have to stay home more.

And demands and expenses are less. Alcohol is cheaper cause Inatoka wine and spirits. Chakula lazima ipikwe. As long as you have a comfortable place wewe ni target.

But they are going about it chini ya maji. They don’t want to expose desparation


Leo nsona uko rada yangu mkuu. Hii maneno ya 2020 bado unashughulikia ama uko kwa profile yangu? Wewe,nakucheki vile unakam

Maneno yepi Kaka?

MGTOW= FREEDOM…beta male ghaseer s mko na Shida ,Stop trying to massage your fragile ego by “proving” a point.Why would you waste your time, energy and resources trying fuck a post wall chieth kunguru, single mother and worse a BROKE , POOR ,BITCH.

Unatafuta nini 2020?