Wadau Kujeni Kiasi

Wadau kujeni kiasi tuzungumze kuhusu mwelekeo wa taifa letu. As you can see Americunts have lost their collective minds and omusungu’s everywhere are in war mode. I suspect in a few years we shall witness some civil wars and maybe a major one. But whatever the outcome these people have been wailing loudly for quite sometime regarding their severe housing crises which has made a lot of them relocate to cheaper countries including our very own. Covid made this even easier with remote work and digital nomads

Swali Langu ni should we be concerned about future Gentrification and Land ownership in Africa and especially our very own vumbistan. The west, China and the middle east are already outbidding the local population at a terrifying scale and have steadily increased their land acquisitions in Africa, Vumbistan kwanza in particular oamoja na jirani wetu kina Menelik. We also fully understand how our corrupt governments (CC Kasongo WSR :green_emoji:) love to sell us out to the highest bidder. The only African countries i can see trying to combat foreign interference are Botswana, Ghana and Rwanda.

Elders leteni majibu i know we have some great thinkers here. Do you guys see this as a potential concern that needs immediate address ama hamtambui haya maneno :green_emoji:

tulisema kenya iuzwe kila mtu apewe share yake.

naye Arror io ndio alifanya.

Riggy G akasema muitushe share zenu, mkamuita fala.

Sasa kenya ishauzwa, na Arror hajagawia kila mtu share yake.

going into the future, kuweni ready kuinama mchukue sabuni, hakuna otherwise.

How about you position yourself to reap from their forays here


Chukua shake acres kadhaa ukuwe rancher kama Gaza. Story ya kuishi town usare jo. Alafu ununue several bundes na maridhe kaa zote

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Gaza hana acre ni.bandit pale kapedo

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