@Sambamba issue is not attractiveness.being a matrochial society kikuyu men love being mothered ( being given mashed food and being caned)…we Luos are taught from day one to be assertive and confident…in short luo women consider kikuyu men not man enough and stingy.
:D:D wife ya @uwesmake huwa anampack rice na mashed potatoes kwenda job… Kupigwa kejani ndio nafanya investigeshen
@negrowegrow - kimbia hapa gunz blazing!! :D:D
The hatred towards Luos is more entrenched among Kikuyu men. Ni hayo tu
Why are njaruos also running away from their sisters? They are ugly and have shitty attitude to boot. Huezi vumilia sura na tabia pia.
My wife ni from the lake na maisha iko sawa sana. Hata asubuhi ameninyonya balls. I am a happy man unlike when i was married to my sister’s from the mountain
Rarely happens, but if it does, it always works out very well. A friend from campus married a lady from the lakeside. So far, wako sawa kabisa.
Alikupa ukamsifu
kama kawaida ukinipa nakusifu
Women from Lake side are a piece of work…though sio wote. Kuna ka sample fulani kisirani saidi…ukichwa ngumu na kaufala fulani hapo.
I have heard that the ones from Gem are bad news.
Cope. They are masculine and not even you guys find them attractive. There’s a reason dim eyed men simp hard for our beautiful feminine bantu sisters.
By the way, people overlook the fact that only the successful men from Luo land tend to get Kikuyu women. You will hardly find Jaruo peasants with Kikuyu women. I honestly think Kikuyu women do it for the financial security.
About Kikuyu men not wanting Luo women, it is simply downgrading. Consider this, if Otieno becomes successful in life, the first thing he does is get a Kikuyu wife. That action alone confirms that the Kikuyu women are the superior stock. Why would a sane Kikuyu man go for the inferior stock? The few Luo women married by Kyuk guys are extremely stunning.
It is the same thing that happens in the USA. When a negroe man makes money e.g in sports, he must get a white woman to improve his genetic pool. Young white women don’t marry negroe riff raffs. White men won’t marry black women generally and when they do, they only marry the extremely beautiful or successful ones.
@administrator mbona nikiweka thread kama hii huwa mnacatch emotions mbaya mboff?
Hadi mna unleash all your troll handles? Saa hii @Swansea angekuwa amelia aje wakiwa na njaruo half caste @kanguthu . “Next year Is an election year admin please intervene…”
@uwesmake and his ten handles including @Sura Ngumu would diarrhea proper. @Tom Bayeye the luo defender…
@Coronatities angekuwa hapo bitching and moaning. Well I understand that she had her pussy eaten out by @Sambamba but still…
@Mundu Mulosi Bs Ms Ma PhD and ScD would give me the usual warnings using his 3 handles including the @Simiyu22 handle.
Enyewe hii website ina ubaguzi sana.
This website is controlled by a cabal who know each other intimately. Very close group of friends. College mates.
Sisi watu wa Mumias tutaketi wapi?
This is a very well-reasoned argument mkuu! Compare Sudanese men who manage to date Kenyan women, it’s always the loaded ones so ile raia inachungulia shimo ya poverty
Tuongee ukweli tu, it is not about tribe, men love the chase and hence we go for those exotic things, grow up around luo women you go for a different kind, same with kikuyu men, the inter-tribal thing works wonders when it does. I personally have come across kiuk man-luo woman marriages that are something to write about, and the vice versa is also true
Mundu mulosi mtaacha ubaguzi siku gani? Ama ulikuwa class moja na @Sambamba ?
No outsiders tolerated in your clique