A while back I used my brother’s phone to answer a call from his friend.
After talking for over a minute, the guy still wouldn’t tell that he was talking to the wrong guy. I had to tell him that I will pass the message.
Today I heard a recording of myself and it freaked me out. I almost thought it was him talking.
Frankly, if I was recorded without my knowledge, I would have said its him.
The strange thing is that I don’t hear myself sounding like that when I speak.
Basically, there is a difference between how I hear myself when I speak, and how I hear myself when recorded. Is there some biological theory or science behind this??
Its all physics. Sound travels at different speeds in both solid and air.
Ukisikia mtu akiongea it means the sound is traveling from his vocal cords through the air to your ears.
However when listening to yourself speaking it means the sound travels via your solid body to your brain while at the same time traveling via the air to your ears to the brain. So your brain has learnt how to integrate ( Mathematically calculus a.k.a opposite of differentiation) the two so that they ‘feel’ like one voice.
That means that in a natural setting (without recorders) you will never hear your voice that is purely carried via the air. So the day you hear yourself via a recording (sound travelled purely via air) it is usually the first time ever you are hearing yourself speak. That’s why it sounds like a stranger speaking.