Niliwashow once you fuck a kmtc chic ,she will gladly introduce you to her friends as far as utamtomba vizuri.hii ni referral nimekula leo…I still have 4 more on the waiting line before end month :D:D:D
A bisexual is no better than a homosexual.
Hii inakaa kunuka kuma na ukimwi…i’d rather nyonga manky than dip my dick into such chieth
You conveniently forgot to state ile pesa umelipa hawa malaya upcoming.
I swear aliniuliza tu fare ya kurudi nikampa 300
Self declared bottom fagot uza mkundu Monaco
Bag Secured, Monaco Tunasija - Sex & Relationships - Kenya Talk
You know, even Ratrat will enable you to reach where you’re struggling so hard to go… FASTER
I have a feeling the fool @Thiem finally landed some pussy in a mighty long time and now he shoving it to our face that he finally got some pussy
Her fashion sense i.e the shoes na venye amepigwa picha betrays you … ako na njaro za mamboch.
Bottom sufuria scraps
Hakuna ebrufication Hapa it didn’t happen. Alafu Dem anapigwa photo Kama amesquat ni wa ocha mbaya probably mboch
Vitu [SIZE=7]Chafu[/SIZE]
Ghasia peleka strains na huko ng’ombe hii
Yaani unaturingia na malaya :D:D:D you are worse than Corona virus
Hii ni chokoraaa
wanaume huku wako na wivu aje … we should be celebrating him