Vitabu zenye watato watoto ya dynasty wanasoma part 1

Lol!, you get me wrong mdau… Those books are written by conquerers, or reverered western thought leaders that have shaped millenia of leadership, democracy, military strategy, political economy, court politics, spirituality as well as cultural popular thought. Fathers of entire movements in thought.

When I say this I do not mean to disrespect african writers or their contributions, we just shouldnt overplay their role or contribution where it is just emerging in contemporary thought. Marcus Garvey, Mandela and Angelou, Nyerere, Achebe, Mazrui have set good precedents for the black man. Kuna pia akina W.E.B. Du Bois this aren’t at most 200yrs since they gifted us with their works.

Sasa unasema watoi wetu wasisome Epictectus the father of stoicism, wakiwa na Emperor Marcus Aurelius’ meditations?.. or Thomas Hobbes and the Leviathan?

Infact my only regret in that reading list is that it is not inclusive of eastern thought, akina Confucious, Shintoism, and Russian Thought as well…

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You know in the end when we fail to read these texts sio ati we become the better for it. We fail to realise that some of our problems we are going through currently had been encountered before by others and solutions offered, rendered or forged through blood or strategy.

It’s not about mzungu telling us, or us being inferior by reading the white man’s texts.

If you check any of Europe’s turmoils, you realise they are preceded by a seminal work. Kuanzia England’s revolts against their kings and Thomas Hobb’s Leviathan, The french revolution along with John Locke’s works. Nietszche and the two world wars. I could go on and on…

When this whitemen come here to africa, it is easier to understand them and see through their bulshit when you have an understanding of where they are coming from.

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Yes he was. Encouraged reading anything even beyond your level.

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