Visiting your grandmother or Mother in the Village

[SIZE=6]When you are planning to visit your grandmother or mother in the village, What do you include in your [/SIZE][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][SIZE=7][FONT=times new roman]“Things to carry list”[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=7]? [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]What are the basics?[/SIZE][/FONT]

[li]SALT[/li][li]TEALEAVES[/li][li]SUGAR[/li][li]RICE[/li][li]ROYCO[/li][li]UNGA CHAPO[/li][li]COOKING OIL[/li][li]TISSUES[/li][li]BARSOAP[/li][li]BATHING SOAP[/li][li]POWDERSOAP[/li][/ul]

Just the basic stuff you buy to restock your kitchen and toiletries.

A bottle of JD


Ondoa Royco hapo uweke Chocolate au Cocoa

Tissue ni wewe. Beba Gazetti. Watu ya Gari Garia Wat misuse Tissue…

Umesahau bread ile kubwa iko na jina ya matusi na cookies za wajukuu wake:p

Unga ya uji
Fruits and vegetables

Why carry Omena if you come from Siaya?

Ukibeba noodles na indomine Shari yako!

Yes. It depends. Maybe she does not go to the market often.

Cucu wanyu ni wa karwara? :D:D:D:D:D:D

Thafai, stinging neetle, soya

Cash or preloaded on mpesa.
That way, she buys what she wants according to her priorities.
But since hauwezi ingia home umesimama kama mkuki(direct translation) I buy a few basic items and a kg of meat.

Niaje @Deorro

You mean Kill the mbuzi = Idi admin?? :eek::smiley:

Money, anunue kile anataka.

We unajua shop za Centre hazinanga vitu in quantities or quality.

Why do you twats keep calling me that?