Visa Requirements Scrapped, Effective immediately!


Problem is that its such a shithole violent country ,this favours them coming here .Few kenyans are interested in going there.

How many Kenyans would want to go to SS compaired to Sudanese

Shida sana, with the corruption there, human trafficking and illegal trade will spike

Upuzi ya Kenya,yaani we accept everything.
Now those dark things will fill every estate in Kenya.
They will still butcher Kenyan living in SS

Kuwa mpole…nitakupa through pass na Alek…maduts sister.

Wtf! Now they will be fill up Kenya bringing their violence with them. Whereas s. Sudan doesn’t need to restrict entrance to their sheethole since its primitive violent population already do a good job of keeping people off

I find South Sudanese very intriguing , and love their skin like butter melanin skin tone

Relax, said the same of Ethiopia…you don’t see Ethiopians fighting to come to Kenya even though they are poor-they pass thru on their way to SA etc. Some will come lakini lazima uwe na pesa ya kurent na kuishi huku. This works in Kenya’s favor; all the $$'s there will flow into Kenya… .

Hio pesa ya oil is being laundered here in Nairobi. I wouldn’t mind visiting. I want to see the Sudd inundation, sail the blue nile.

There’s a lot of wealth in that country , fastest growing african country in 2019 @10% . However scars of war are very evident , a lot of healing is needed.

jaluo nenda ukae na orangutan wenzako huko sudan ama congo forest.
sasa jaluo aki mate na s.sudanese si mtazalisha alien banae:D

Bingwa nakujua wewe , muguruki!!!?

It was to happen a long time ago but SS was getting some revenue from those visa, probably nowadays that revenue is so low and it does not make any economic sense anymore

That alone is like signing a death certificate while you are still alive,na vile wao hu combii kina Ciru na Njeri…what is wrong with us

You can’t compare Ethiopia to SS

Wangesema Ghana angalau

Sludgist wachana na mrembo wangu please

wewe tuwachishe sasa bana…
rudi kwa ile kinyangarika yako @Coronatities

Warning kenyans!!! The sourthern sudanese are coming! They will take our jobs and our women!