VIP Security

Hehehehe …

VIP Security ( …or the abuse of valuable State resources …)…
Logic informs us that IF you are truly a Leader of your people , you have nothing to be afraid of from them …

See here the 2 extreme examples :-

North Korea:



@rexxsimba wafaa uelewe Switzerland ni money laundry ya dunia mzima, wao huwa neutral na kila mtu, wezi na wauwaji wote pesa yao husafishiwa Switzerland.
Pesa ya Kim Jong Un iko Switzerland. Utaogopa nini kama wewe ni mtu ya mkono ya watu wote wenye huogopwa kwa dunia?
North Korea ina free education na free housing na free healthcare kwa citizens wake wote.
Watu wote North Korea wako employed kwa state factories, na chakula huwa distributed na state, job ni ya kuongezea tu pesa kidogo za starehe.

Kim Jong Un anahitaji security sababu countries kama US zinataka maisha yake ndio nchi yake isambaratike

Kama hujakula mbuzi ya mtu unaogopa nini?

He should just remain in Pyongyang and terrorise the locals. He has more enemies than friends.

When wananchi are happy you become free ie unapata uhuru.

Kim Jong Un ordered the killing of his uncle by blasting him with an anti-aircraft machine gun. That is Kim Jong un for you

Well, even citizens are not safe, so it’s not surprising that the leader of this country will worry about his safety as well. I think it won’t be enough for him to just install a motion cam like the one by the link and feel safe at his house because he has way more enemies, and he’s a perfect target for robbers as well, so it’s better for people like him get fully secured, and people need to understand that.

Western hypocrisy at its finest…do you know the main reason why Switzerland is wealthy is because of exploitation of Africa resources and neocolonialism