Village Elders vs New Villagers... Could Klist be influencing Ktalk?

A group of scientists placed five
monkeys in a cage, and in the
middle, a ladder with bananas on
Every time a monkey went up the
ladder, the scientists soaked the rest of the monkeys with cold water.
After a while, every time a monkey would start up the ladder, the others would pull it down and beat it up.
After a time, no monkey would dare try climbing the ladder, no matter how great the temptation.
The scientists then decided to
replace one of the monkeys. The first thing this new monkey did was start to climb the ladder. Immediately, the others pulled him down and beat him up.
After several beatings, the new
monkey learned never to go up the ladder, even though there was no evident reason not to, aside from the beatings.
The second monkey was substituted and the same occurred. The first monkey participated in the beating of the second monkey. A third monkey was changed and the same
was repeated. The fourth monkey
was changed, resulting in the same, before the fifth was finally replaced as well.
What was left was a group of five
monkeys that – without ever having received a cold shower – continued to beat up any monkey who attempted to climb the ladder.
If it was possible to ask the monkeys why they beat up on all those who attempted to climb the ladder, their most likely answer would be “I don’t know. It’s just how things are done around here.”
Does that sound at all familiar?
n.b. Sijaita yeyote nyani. Ni kutafakari ya Babu tu.


@Oldmonk sijakuita ama kukutaja

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hujatuita nyani lakini umetufananisha na nyani

that is how you will yell wakati nitakukamua



When I click on a thread I never ever check on the rank of the monkey, I am more interested on the content…I don’t know how you do it but that’s just me


@Wakanyama, this was a psychology test looking at what influences behaviour. Others have been done on human beings. Lakini usikojolee thread.

@inzhener otmetka expect 1 of 2 outcomes;

  1. they will give this thread a wide berth
  2. they will descend on and respond the same way they have to EVERY single thread of this kind in the last 1 week

… all the same, that experiment is way too accurate for this and other situations

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Ktalkers aka xKlosters have this sheepish behaviour that cannot be explained. Una scribe thread eg kuna siku i posted a joke alafu chokosh uwesmake RIP was first to reply ati sm1 help me find the joke…atha V.Es replied wth similar like replies. I jus said look at these fools having a sheepish behaviour…dats uchokosh in my eyes

These are the ones who never contribute anything, they just sit back and consume whatever without giving back. Apart from kuulizia gazetti na bundles na free net na deep web, and that is just asking, they are yet to contribute anything meaningful in here. And if they can’t, watu watawasherehekea coz there is nothing else to do.

My advice, post hekayas, memes, knowledge, wisdom, ujanja, whatever…in between you can ask for the paper and you will be given one without people looking at you twice.


This has always been one of my favourite stories. I’m curious though whether this experiment actually took place or if the story was just born of the imagination of someone

it happened @Steelo … repeatedly with other animal species as well

it happens here everyday so we dont even need to test it out on animals

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Shida ni content … poorly written hekayas and asking very dumb questions.

Tell us something new. Poor delivery and stupid questions were a staple, and still are, even without the help of newbies.

I have nephews and nieces and everytime i see them I tease the hell out of them. I just can’t help it. They are easy to tease and I’m a little bit mean. Same thing here. Being a new village makes you an easy target and if you try to run with the big boys, you get hazed. If you post stupid stories and asking really dumb question then you really get hazed. But in the end it doesn’t mean anything. No one hates you here not even you @Dismo

Plus kijiji is a little bit slow right now. uwesmake is not around, @Unicorn ana limwa na mzungu perth, @Female Perspective is pushing so we’ve got to keep ourselves busy somehow


Just like any other social setting in life eg. work, school etc., this tabia is ALWAYS there. We won’t deny that there are some ‘veteran’ Talkers who exhibit this classic crab mentality & who will never see beyond your ‘New Villager’ tag/ badge & all the stereotypes that come with it! Just accept & deal with it. It’s part of life!

However, as a newbie here, you need to remember that:

  1. If your content is crap, it’s crap! Period. Shit is still shit, hata ikimwagiliwa 20 litres of cologne!

  2. Respect people who have kulad chumvi somewhere even if you don’t like them or agree with them on many things i.e. Senior Villagers, Village Elders & Mods.

  3. When you’re in Rome, do as the Romans do. Things like plagiarism, stealing content & not giving due credit, multiple handles & other fakeness might mean nothing to you but in KTalk, they’re a no-no. Get with the program.

  4. A snitch is a wolf in sheep’s clothing & will be dealt with accordingly & appropriately once identified in this kijiji. Hata ufanye nini ama nini. We will never accept you if we identify you as one.


It’s worse when it comes from a new villager…you are ‘fresh off the boat’ and you are all ready working hard to prove that you’ve got nothing in between your ears… upuuss.


Are you cumming darling?

