So there’s this place I work part time. The C.E.O. is a friend na anahitaji my help to land some German clients. Kuna kadem huko kamekua idhaa yangu mbaya sana. But saa mi nakuanga mtu wa mifupa. Nyama tumewachia kina @uwesmake. Sasa jana ikiwa D-Day we knew we will have to work late into the night. Kadem na ujanja yake decided to call and arrange for liquor to be dropped. So mimi na maguiness zangu nikaamua niskizane na katoto. Tukatafuta mahali pa kendelea kukunywa in vain. Yeah stupid us. Finally mwanamke ameniconvince twende kwake cause am also helping out on her side hustle (she sells women stuff online). Nikajikuta nimekua temporary team member team nyama. Na team sleep at women’s places. Lakini ni kama amekua akinipangia for long, juu somehow she also has guinness kwake. So expect nipost more stupid stuff leo pia
By the way nimerealise 90% of the time I post a hekaya ninakuanga nimeonja guinness.
Hii ni ya mwenye analipa rent boss.
Unasema nini bwana? Ulikamua ama hukukamua? Hizo Zingne hapana tambua. Leta effidence pia
just remember pictures are worth thousands of words and KT has a long respected tradition of ku @Safisha mecho
Wacha niwapigie hekaya the day I impregnated two women. Enabler wacha tumuite En. I had known her in Berlinso nashorally when she came to Nai I was on dial. So hii siku we are chilling and she asks if Em can come. Mimi nani kusema no? With Em it was love at first sight. Ushawai jua utamanga dem even before mkatiane? So we played truth or dare and stuff. Ikaisha, Ikifika time ya kudoze I put my foot down and decreed (tulikua kwa boy wangu so ordinarily ni yeye alifaa kusema) where Em and I will sleep. Usiku mzima we could hear En pacing the corridors. She was not amused. Asubuhi when Em went to shower, En akajiingiza room, how could you play me dirty like that El? Na hivyo ndio wote walishika mimba. I was OK with En aborting, but was kinda hurt when Em aborted
Ile siku utakatwa makagari I hope utatuelezea with the same enthusiasm. Heneway, bila mbisha ata ya bottletop ya Guinness then hii ni story of giants.
Naskianga aibu sana kusema live live nimemanga dame. But as I learn to be more shameless nitaandika better stories. Picha nayo sioni nikiwahi post. No matter how stupid I ever become.
Amekua akinitafuta siku mingi sana. Kama kuna jama analipa rent then ni obvious huyu hayuko idhaa yake. Anyway, either way nishalewa. So inakaa niko hapa hadi zishuke.
najua. sikuangi wa hii tabia, sijui imefanyikaje, but she played her cards well
what are you saying? ngui
@LongTime fungua handol ingine. Wewe kwisa. Hakuna vile utasikilizwa tena kama wewe Una wekwa na Mwanamke. For your benefit delete hii thread.
Jifunze kulipa rent ghasia. Wacha waamke.
@Wanaruona kama ishafanyika ishafanyika. nikirudi sober nitarudi kwangu
hii mwanamke ni mjanja sana. she planned this coup from mbali sana
atuoche mecho na mbicha mambo ya hekaya za abwanaswi ilipitwa na wakati
Wee sema hivyo. Next ni kuguzishwa handi halafu VAR iseme ni Pena. Hivyo ndivyo utajipata ukioa bila kujua. These kungurus are ruthless.
Kuja kwa ofisi ya sub-chief saa hii!
Admin bana
Thankfully, Uhuru elevated Mathari hospital to a parastatal with a Board and a CEO. Mental health problems will be sorted accordingly.
kuna time niliingi inbox ya @TrumanCapote, mimi na ujinga zangu niliona i can make he see sense but ni juu nilikua sijasoma post zake zote