Vijana Barobaro

Nimesoma story ya Mike Ock hapo chini akicomplain dame yake ameanza kubleach. As your uncle, I feel that I owe you younger guys some lessons before hawa wanawake wawafanyie character development. Niko third floor and I have been around the block many times.

Ukiona dame ama bibi yako making a sudden effort to look good akienda her shughulis, that is usually the very first sign anakucheza. They all do it when they meet a new guy they are in love with. I saw this a few times in my early 20s right before I realized kuna jamaa mwingine. If you dated enough girls, you will relate.

Kama dame yako ametriple her investment in beauty, and she isn’t doing it for you, you already know what time it is :smiley:


Uncle Ahai.

You forgot to mention ni wangapi walikucheza styro hio hio

Ama anataka kukua lanye


Ushawahi chezwa kanono??

Mimi nilichezwa vizuri in my early 20s but nilikuwa kadinya so it was inevitable - as you date more women, the likelihood of being cheated on increases. If you date enough women utachezwa along the way by some.

Ninety percent ya posts zako lazima ikuwe na either lanye, mkia, 150, nalamba, you know what i do next

The same @MikeOck who swears cute boys don’t have any relationshit issues?

I appreciate my fans

He actually laments the most as conpared to other average looking men

Leo umesema ukweli @Azor Ahai , ukiona Bibi ama Dem yako all of a sudden anang’ang’ana kujirembesha more than usual, lazma huwa na someone new in the picture.

Alafu pia offlate whatsup status ukiona anajipost mapicha kadhaa, jua Kuna ninja anafanyiwa power point presentation

@MikeOck anakuanga simp yake yote


Did you see anywhere in my post where I was asking for relationship advice or anything of the sort? Mimi nilikuwa nataka kujua what can make someone who is already pretty in chocolate color want to now bleach to that fake patchy banana color of bleached skin.

She’s leaving lakini ni kama you are very deep in her ass hauwezi ona.

Swali ni, is she leaving you for another ‘cute’ nigga, a sura ngumu but monied nigga, or a ‘cute’ monied nigga?

Unachezwa kijana. Kubali matokeo. Ati cute boys association :smiley:

Nmeleta hekaya kadhaa apa, kuna adi time nlibinjiwa dem kama nmelala apo kando nkiwa mrefi kama mbuta.

Sisi Cute Boys tuko na high self esteem. It’s very hard to replace us. Atatafuta juu chini akose.

  • 6 foot 2
  • chiseled face
  • enormous muscles
  • 8 pack
  • 10% bodyfat
  • full hair and beard
  • baby smooth skin
  • a 9 inch d*ck
  • woody vanilla scent
  • baritone voice

Such attributes don’t grow on trees kaka brazza

Hahaaaa. Kuna game of genes and game of money

leta wrink nguruwe

Same case with married couples. If your sister/cousin is married and her husband starts hitting the gym seriously and wearing tight tshirts and dressing in cool sneakers, jua amepata young college girl. Not just a one hit wonder. Amechukua second wife na akamueka.