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If you have a chance to sensitize any student on Kenya University and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCPS) please do. Many form four leavers miss opportunities to transition to the next level of education due to lack of knowledge. Registration is 1500 for first time applicants and 1000 for those revising their courses. All students scoring C+ and above apply for degree courses, C- to C plain are applying for diploma courses, and D plain to D+ are applying for craft courses. D- and E will be applying for artisan courses by not through KUCCPS. They will walk to Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institution near them and apply for an artisan course of their choice (100% transition √) Anyone who did their KCSE before 2017 can apply for diploma or craft certification irrespective of their grades (Kwanza wenye si ya Matiangi) Students being placed through KUCCPs are government sponsored hence pay subsidized fees. Please pass this word to as many form four leavers as you can. You will be surprised that many have no idea about KUCCPS. The application window closes on 14 of this month (yes, on Valentine’s day). BTW there are TVETs loans by HELB How cool is that?


valuable info
a relevant headline on the thread would reach more intended recipients.
pia isaidie indexing :smiley: ya admean and SEO.

fleecing people, why charge 1500 to apply in my days 300 was enough! A bandit economy!


When was that again?

Kidding aside though, 500 should be more than adequate - just so as to weed off jockers. 1500 may also weed off jockers, but will undoubtedly deny a needy, deserving candidate.

2012 that was it, trust me watu wengi hawatapply, the jamming of the website is enough to weed off jokers