The chap may be thief but that’s not the issue, issue is 2 guys instead of calling the cops on him they decide on vigilante justice even they was no risk from the victim towards them ! It would have been different if it was a home invasion or the guy coming at them and they stood their ground, this guys were just out for blood !
They’re afraid to release it due to heightened racial tensions.
How you do you know? Plus your comment does not make sense. It is clear he took nothing, he was shot carrying nothing. I expect your sort of comments to be found on breitbart news pages and not ktalk. But I get it, only your skin is black.
Where is the rule of law in your reasoning? You have always touted how you live in a country governed by rule of law
Hehe, house negro in malcom’s voice
This guy seems a bit stupid why charge at a guy holding?
Niggers need to understand that they’re just “guests” who overstayed their “welcome”. They must tiptoe around white Americans, waache kelele mingi. These white Americans, while extremely racist, treated their ancestors better than the harsh Arabs who’d castrate their slaves to ensure they never multiply. Or the Argentinians who did Amadioha-knows-what to their negroes. It doesn’t excuse how they’re treated, but it’s just a fact of life.
Life is the most precious thing a human being has and giving the enemy an opportunity to take it is the most unnatural and irresponsible thing. Now even if the justice system convicts his killers he is still dead because of a serious error in judgement. Others will learn from his mistake
@Purple I repeat, when did you sell your soul to the west?
Someone has just died, I personally don’t feel that it’s right to channel memes to this.
I know he dindu nuffin.
Some people just play victim to this race card way too much… so say i find you loitering at my unfinished pigsty pale ushago and you burst out running, i ask you to stop but you keep on running and when i get close to you instead of surrendering you engage me mundu khu mundu whilst i have my gun on me …what will prevent me from shooting you whether black on white, white on white, kikuyu on kikuyu or kikuyu on Luo??? And why run when you ain’t guilty and if you think that i am racist why loiter or hang out in my property??
This shit reminds me of an incident last year tulishika kijana kwa plot akirandaranda. So tukamuuliza wewe ndio?The first time he lied he was a mechanical eng student.Unaishi room gani?He lied again that he didn’t live there he only came to visit a friend.Tukamuuliza jina ya beshte.Akavako.Tukamshow tuoneshe your friend then. Akaspot just a regular guy hapo ivo.Jina ya huyo msee beshte yake haikumatch. He was also not a student since he didn’t have a school ID. The said friend of his also denied knowing him. Since it was a students apartment crowds were gathering around ready to hand to him a beatdown. Kijana didn’t even know his mother’s phone number.Kumuuliza jina ya ukweli he lied. He then span his narrative about what he did for a living to being a mjengo guy. Shit got real he received a serious beating bana. It took wamama to save him from being lynched by students.Alafu maboyz wakaamua kuita cops lakini huruma z wamama zkafanya aachiliwe aende never to return juu one of those wamamas was the landlord and a religious freak.Alisamehea kijana. Sasa in this case you have race and supposed trespassing, a recipe for disaster.
[SIZE=7]Footage shows Ahmaud Arbery on construction site minutes before shooting![/SIZE]
Why don’t blacks go back to their respective countries of origin.Hii kuuliza namna hivyo is not worth it.
@T.Vercetti You are forgetting that niggaz had to search for an identity to hold on to since slavery left them with no culture to identify with. That’s the root of black muslims akina Malcolm X , Eljah Muhammed and Farrakhan. Slavery left niggaz with a bad faith towards things they consider to be white or the oppressive system like getting an education or a job. This is why rap celebrates “making it on our own and police (white people) hating on us”.These guys had to reconstruct themselves unlike Japanese Americans or any other recent immigrants. This reconstruction which had to be anti-system does not accentuate their efforts to make it in Amerikkka.
I didn’t know that, i though he was shot after being spotted in a neighborhood at 12:00 am
The guy was a thug na nilisema from the first day or he had mental disability
Most blacks in the US today have ancestors who were shipped to the US long before many of the whites’.
Slaves have been there for 400 years.
The Irish, who now are almost as many as black Americans in the US, immigrated during their great famine of the 1840s.
Racist in Chief Trump’s grandfather arrived in the US 135 years ago.
Blacks have been on US soil longer than many of their white’s oppressors.
Who then is who’s guest?
Unfortunately Ahmaud put himself in danger. He certainly doesn’t look innocent any more. I am sure there is way more out there. The State of Georgia gives citizens the right to make arrests. Just like the police. It’s a law. So the two racists had the right to arrest Ahmaud. They are protected by the law. Now if he resisted and put them in harms way by trying to grab their weapon and they opened fire and killed him, unfortunately the jury will find him not guilty.
If a policeman asks you to stop, and you don’t stop. Then he tries to arrest you and you get into a tussle with him, he opens fire, and kills you. The jury will find him not guilty. Same principle will apply here. The citizens in the State of Georgia have the same power to arrest you as a police officer. And they have a right to defend themselves.
I don’t have all the facts on the case. But more fitting is exessive use of force type charge should be filed. Because a murder charge has a really high threshold for convicting. It’s very easy for them to walk. Sometimes prosecutors make these murder charges out of public outcry than proof and then see the defendants walk Scott free. And can never be retried even for a lesser charge which can carry 10-20 years. And for which they would have been found guilty.
This case is a problem with gun laws or giving citizens the power to arrest. They don’t have the training of police officers.