Viable small scale business

If provided with Ksh 100,000 as capital today, to be repaid within a year, which business opportunity would you pursue, excluding options like an M-PESA kiosk, barbershop, wines & spirits shop, carwash, laundry services, fast food stand, secondhand clothing, or a cyber café?

Lanye business na uuzaji wa mkia excluded…


Naua yiu are asking for a four 4 leaver. iyo pesa mtu atafute handy skill. kama ni dem aende ajifunze saloon. mwanaume ajifunze pikipi repair. wote wawili watafungua vibanda zao


Nice, zizidi kukuja

CAM House

It’s not only about “what business”, location pia inamatter because whatever business you decide on, understanding your client base and location determines it’s success

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Kuuza matunda, juice na mboga za misheveve na kasalika

Akule Tu hio pesa

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Be a small importer of good from china


Si itapigwa tax yote iishe?

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Skills za mtu humatter sana. Mtu hana skills atastruggle sana but mtu ako na skills ukimpea 100k atajiendeleza.

For example:

  • Kama ni dame na already anajua kusuka watu nywele, that 100k can be used to open her salon kwa stalls mtaani.
  • Kama ni mtu anajua web design na SEO that 100k is more than enough to get his blog up and running.
  • Kama ni mtu anajua academic ama content writing that 100k will buy him an account ya kuanza life.
  • Kama ni mtu anajua kuendesha nduthi that 100k atanunua nduthi used aanze kufanya deliveries nayo.
  • Kama ni mtu anajua kushona nguo atafungua stall na hiyo pesa alete machine ya kushona hapo.
  • Kama anajua kurepair simu na laptops etc hiyo pesa imetosha kufungua kashop mtaani.
    Etc etc.

Skills ni muhimu sana kwa mtu mwenye hana capital kubwa. The most successful micro-businesses are service oriented.


Ujanja ya biz pick one specialize and perfect. Start small. Invest maximum of 50% of the capital and see how it goes…

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Me? I’d take pictures of every empty apartment in Kilimani, Kileleshwa, Lavington, Westlands, Riverside and Gigiri - EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!

Then I’d build a web app (pia android and iOS) to show all these listings with the following details:

  • Whether a unit is for rent and if so how much? and who is the agent/landlord renting it out complete with details on deposit fees

  • Whether a unit is for sale and if so how much? I’d go further and add a mortgage calculator after liaising with a few banks to get all the details. I’d also add due diligence as a service and lias with lawyers on stand by ready to go! I’d add ratings in terms of safety, accessibility, nearby infrastructure, noise levels, walk ability etc etc. Every detail!!!

  • A testimonials section of previous tenants in the same building

The app would be crisp and navigable (look at or StreetEasy to get a gist of what I’m talking about). Think about it, people in Nairobi rely on word of mouth when it comes to finding property etc. Available platforms like buy and rent Kenya are USELESS. They see ugly looking and don’t have any useful details at all.

There’s a gap here that needs to be filled. Iyo 100k nazunguka izo areas with a camera Kama mwendawazimu. In my hey days in Kenya, I made money in very “creative” ways.


Hapo sawa.

Fundi wa simu

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Kuna dame niliona Nigeria who makes shoes. Yaani from zero Kama Ferragamo zinakaa safi sana. A hands-on leather artist unaweza hata ingia kwa bags and porches custom za bei.

Mwingine ni clothes designer Kama jaluo bolo bespoke who is a fundi.

Learning a skill ya mkono huwezi kosa kazi. Shida vijana hawataki hizi kazi.