Very Rich People & No Children, Pesa Ni Za Nini Basi? MGTOW Mna shida sana.

This is the new trend. Sasa pesa wanatafuta za nini. Mtu anajenga flats goroda Tano na hana watoto.

MGTOW man shida sana

MGTOW doesnt mean no kids. It means no wife.


Tafuta pesa pia wewe

new trend labda kwa wazungu, kenya sijaona tajiri hana watoto

Pesa haziwezi kosa kazi ya kufanya. Kwa mfano kuenda kuona Monaco Grand prixx ya ukweli( si ile ya @Mimi Huwa Namwaga Ndanii ). kuzuru maenoe tofauti duniani, Kununua magari na pikipiki za bei ghali. Shida iko wapi mwanaume akifurahia pesa zake.

karoga, for how long have you been a staunch member of mgtow?
Kiuliso tu. And,
Have you started leading the kind of life you sell to us or its a far fetched fantasy?

naitwa Kodiaga

Born alone…Die Alone…Why U here??? For What??? Nada!

kama ng’ombe u ate beef from last nite or the micro- organisms that will feast on u’re dead ass…

Enjoy brother…hii Maisha enjoy kabla ikuenjoy…ndoa…aka pingu ya Maisha kwa mwanaume…ya maana gani ujifunge pingu uwe mahabusu kwa hiari yako kwa Maisha mafupii…na Bado wanaume wameshaenjoy na wataenjoy hio mkate unadai yako bila kulipia

Some fly solo…some ship kondoo na lambs…heading wapi?

On a different note…spell checker inaudhi…haijui sheng na swahili…disablers?

@Karoga na @Kodiaga :D:D:D
majina kunichanganya… but both Ni mgtow followers. Haya endelea kunieleza :D:D

money is a drug, you keep chasing the high but it will never be as good as it felt when you were broke.

You actually mean MGTOW mna akili sana.


:D:D:D:D:D… MGTOW= FREEDOM…Mimi nimekua Mgtow alpha male for 37 years ,Mimi sijawahi kua na parasites ,Mimi ni Mgtow alpha male supremo ,I told you Ile life story yangu yet I am richer than my married planteshen siblings by a factor of more than 15 na the " richest " planteshen worker/ brother by a factor of 12 :D:D:D:D:D …I swear they all realize that I am way richer than them because of my Mgtow alpha male lifestyle but they don’t have the kahuna s to leave the planteshen mpaka my brothers from " other mothers"…[SIZE=1]my old man was quite a stallion in his heyday s [/SIZE]

Iko shida gani kuwa na pesa bila bibi na watoto?

Kijana let me ask you ? Do u av a child ? biological? Spread your genes ghaseer or you will expire parmanently . If jelly fish or those organisms which reproduce through budding fail to do so the species would become extinct parmanently. Even @Douchebag reproduced something to push on life after he dies soon or later

Hii December pale njugunas we shall confirm, ujitangaze mapema juu sitaki aibu nikileta stock ya madem for you to choose. @kush yule mnono confirmed, he will be available :D:D:D

Hanna shida kabisa but why?

MGTOW doesn’t mean no family. Am really sorry for these folks who don’t understand what the movement is all about. Watapotea and will blame us the founding fathers.

The movement is about the man doing things mentioned by elder @Kodiaga hapo juu. It’s about a man’s entire life being about grinding for his family.

Importance ya legacy huwa nini na you’re dead?