I have realized many kenyan websites especially for some very big companies ,governnent agency’s and Universities are very cluttered disorganized and very difficult to navigate in case you need some kind of information
An example ni bonfire adventures website.A big tours and travel firm kama hio inafaa ikue na a very modern website that is very seamless bt it is a joke
Ni either we have very few skilled web developers ama there is lack of knowledge by corporates on need for a good online presence and accesibility…
UoN website is a joke! emails and phone contacts are outdated and dont go through.
It’s because they don’t like paying top shilling for quality work. An entity like Bonfire despite being an Internet facing company cannot pay 1 million bob for a world class website.Developer analipwa 60k anafanya kazi ya ujinga anasonga.
What about U.o.N ? On the other hand, why would a developer accept 60k to do a job that he knows is shady ? What are some of the Kenyan entities that have top notch websites, developed by Kenyans ?
Have noticed the worst done websites are those of government ministries and agencies. One of the biggest challenges that we have in Kenya is that we want the guy doing the coding to be the same one who does the user interface design, and also write the content. The user interface should be done by a real designer, the structure and security be developed by the coding guys, while content should be done by a copywriter. In this way you end up with an appealing website with good quality content that converts visitors into customers.
Manze hakuna haja ulipwe ufanye a very poor job,You are firstly doing a de-service to your craft and developers after you…kwanza kuna msee aliwahi post twitter ati anatengeneza websites for 5k pale river road…Aliniboo sana
Hizo Ni sites za Microsoft Frontpage. Useless
Deep Africa has a good site. Maybe it’s because that is what they do for a living.
How much money did this Government Ministry pay for these websites ? You will be surprised.
You forgot the guy is also supposed to come up with the graphical content(pictures and stuff) and include the MD and staff for the subject organization somewhere within the website.
it not necessarily a shady job, its more of delivering what you are paid for its like the sgr china delivered what they were paid to, otherwise the would have built those bullet high speed systems.
Bullet high speed for cargo transport ?
UoN has one of the Best Website and IT systems compared to other universities in Kenya. Their APIs is also something else you pay your school fees at ABSA Bank(Lokichogio) and 5 mins later your school fees has reflected in the school portal in all my 5 years in campus I never stepped in the finance office. Same for the Library and e-learning also the results.Also each school has their own website
It means that, a person who wants a website for his/her organization, but has no to minimal knowledge of how that stuff works, will automatically get a shady product.
While a guy who knows a few things about the product is better to get a better product from the same developer ?
What about JKUAT? A top Uni in Technology and Engineering?
Corruption tu. They give the jobs to people they know. This is just what I think. But maybe someone can shoot them an email and make the proposition to redo the sites. But I know bureaucracy is a major hindrance in big govt institutions.
Gov’t institutions paid top dollars for those websites. But, Kenyan institutions of higher learning have shady websites is what I’m trying to understand, why ?
Avechi and Mistore websites are a sore to the eye also.
Same thing, bureaucracy. JKUAT could easily get their engineer students to do those website and subsidize their education or something. But the Wazees are gatekeepers in these institutions. Change is slow.
Si ati site zote ziko down, www.Kplc.co.ke is pretty slick for example. Hata ile ya KRA sio mbaya
JKUAT is just at another level. They have a Computer Science department and a school of Journalism. You would expect that they would bring the two together and perfect their website from a structural and content point of view. But I remember a former HoD at the school of journalism explaining to me that the university had just a single functional camera for a student population of 400. Got me really worried about the quality of teaching that goes on there, and what to expect from such graduates.