Vera Sidika Anakaribia Ukuta

One thing that I realised about myself is that: when am doing great financially, spiritually and healthwise, the least I want to hear is how someone else is doing bad. I even fear that the bad karma might come back to me. But when am stressed, I tend to find happiness in someone else’s suffering. I want to hear about other people’s misfortunes. I don’t care about the bad karma because am doing bad already. But then I discovered how to achieve equilibrium in my soul. When am doing bad, I remind myself that, that is my own situation and am responsible for it. Hating won’t help unless I take action to save myself.

Now, whether Vera amepiga ukuta au la, shida yako ni nini? Haumkuli, humjui, sio relaa wako, sio ex-wako, hakujui, hakuli kwako, mbona unapost na kusema vile plastic imeanza kuoza - infact plastic is non-biodegradable.
Jipe shughuli nani? Kula maPYT wako pole pole and enjoy driving you benz. Shenzi sana.

Sawa unaweza kuwa na point lakini unajuaje hajawahi mkula, si ex wake ama rela wake?

Captain save-a-hoe, wacha makasiriko.

Apply this logic to yourself
“Haumkuli, humjui, sio relaa wako, sio ex-wako, hakujui, hakuli kwako…”

Alafu utulize punani

Crocodile Tears …and a lot of Hogwash …


The problems begin when you start to live your Private life on Social Media …
Who and how many times you sleep with is nobody’s business …
When you air your Private Linen on Public Platforms , don’t expect cheers and adoration from the hungry and sick minds who will be ingesting all that information …

You are a Captain save a hoe/ Male feminist/ Mangina/ Beta mail/ Omega simp/ gamma shlub/ nice guy mjinga. Basi muoe makende ya mbuzi wewe. Vera Omukundu Sidika kama amebeat amebeat kwani ni Siri.?

Okay… Are you guys tearing into each other ju ya Vera?

The issue is never really about kupiga ukuta. There are thousands of women wenye hupiga ukuta kila siku without a whimper from the village. Issue ni ukileta mambo yako online kila saa while peacocking as if unakunianga scones, netizens have a right to fair comment. By being online, one can be judged to be out for some feedback. Well the feedback can be positive or negative. You cannot then say that you only need positive feedback and no negative feedback.
Sii uliona ile time alikuwa amejimwaya uwanjani vile tulimpea malike na kusifu matako yake? That was positive feedback which she took in wholly and rewarded us with more photos of her perfect life. She made us look at our wives and girlfriends in a different light tukijiuliza mbona wasikue kama Vera. Sasa saa hii vile amekutana na the ever mighty, merciless and unforgiving wall and she brought us the photos, it is now time for the negative feedback. We are just wondering, how can someone transform that fast? It ain’t personal. If she redeems herself from the wall, likes atapata bado.
Lastly, ni kwa ile harakati tuu ya kutumia yeye kama kielelezo kwa wengine wenye tabia kama yake kama Azziad. I think it is fair to point at Vera and tell our girls to be careful wasiingie kwa shimo kama yeye and they should work at their retirement package should they choose to ignore the advice. Ona Vera sasa. Retirement imefika and she is yet to secure the bag. Machos tele.

Bottomline is its her life and she lives it the way she wants. . blowing it out of proportion shows you’re a weak man. One thread was enough and we move on as MEN. sio kufunga leso na kina @cortedivoire kila siku discussing one woman who maybe doesn’t give two fucks about what you old men think of her… A man shouldn’t be jelous of women, which i can clearly observe you guy are sijui mlitaka nyinyi ndio mtombwe matako mlipwe 1million…A man should only be intimidated by successful women not jelous. Its actually sissy and pathetic if you ask me

Retirement in your 30s is next to impossible for many. She used her sex appeal as a job and will likely have to use it until she retires in her 60s or 70s. There will be fewer takers each passing year though or she has to take below market rates. Whereas was charging Arabs/Nigerians 250k a day, she will start charging 10k a day here soon.

Is vipi bingwa, nimekumissss

niko wet …na si mharo …as in hainuki

So she came to a famous Kenyan Bar and grill in the States called Jambo Grill in KCMO hapo past 75th and Holmes. My homegirl hosted her,and used her car when we were going to check out clubs kama Firefly,Angel’s and Mosaic Lounge at Power and Light Districts. We engaged vizuri na yeye,na kama sio vile I was with a chic,and respect to my friends ningeweka shuma mre dani.

Ata awe amegonga ukuta Idgaf. Bado ameiva kama embe dodo…Nitam- DFHKMBL mpaka nyau iwake moto.

Ni hayo tu kwa sasa.

Takataka umbwa


How do you know hana pesa? Na kama hana yeye ni jinga wa mwisho

if u were to DFHKMBL how much would u part… in your estimation

I don’t know.

Foreplay is now over
Last message by lichoti is actually code for lockdown kesho kieleweke

Not more than 50$

But I don’t solicit prostitutes hehe. Hiyo itakuwa tu parting gift after two adults had their time together.

now mbona dry fry …huogopi ukimwi?

Why i ask? Niliambiwa in a training that majuu kuna HIV vaccine ya kudungwa na iko effective for 6 months …thats what wazungu take halafu they come here and chafua ile mbaya hadi mtwapa
