Vegan Burger vs regular Burger

capitalist gay diet

Vegan food makes a man grow breasts kama zile za @Kanguthi

Strange …
That people who eat vegetables think that eating a vegan burger will make you feminine …:blush:

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Kuna difference ya vegan na vegetarian.

Vegans wanakula shit zingine made in factories to resemble meat. Shit that’s more deadly than the real meat.

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There’s some truth to it. One should know the difference between vegetarian and vegan. Vegetarian is self explanatory but vegan is some liberal marketing PC term to fleece ‘health-conscious’ people by selling them stuff that other wise would not have been consumed. Eg a veggie burgers’ main ingredient is soya/soy-bean. Soybean products are said to contain “plant estrogens” known as isoflavones (the feminine part). Now to hold that slop together (texture enhancement and binding) so that it looks like a burger they use gelatine. Where from? Gelatin is made from animal bones, cartilage and skins/hides crushed into some gluey looking slop. That’s what goes into a vegan burger

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It is possible to prepare any food or recipe without artificial or unsafe additives …

It often is beyond me why individuals with choices prefer to consume industrial concoctions full of chemicals and additives instead of making their own organic and wholesome drinks and beverages …:blush: