Valentine is a day away and Raiya out there who don’t have partners are doing their level best to hook up a partner so that they don’t get left out. Today i will show u two struggles…With out further ado leggo
Struggle No 1: Soft boy
This ninja above is one of the Dwanzi men i talked about in my last valentino thread . Look at the soft boy carrying a mwoman’s handbag mbele ya raiya to show he cares. The soft boy is not even the mwoman’s man. He is just a class mate who has been friendzoned bt wants to impress the empress hoping that she would be his valentine. Siiiiet. F+Ck boy put that handbag in your bag unajiaibisha mefi brare siiiet
2.Struggle 2: Singo mom
This one now has crossed the border line of struggles. Joins a Dating website created specifically for singles to hook up b4 valentines. The singo mom took a picture but cropped out her kiddo bt she forgot to crop out mkono ya mtoto (look left of pic)…and on her status she scribes…22y.o college student and still a virgin…kaiiii Jeso
Why throw shade on single mums ama if you are single you cease being a woman???The reason for croping the child’s face it because she does not want expose the for pick 1 as much as women love such small gestures that is No No!!! in the fisi code of conduct but most probably gari italala kwa parking.