I haven’t been to the coast. I’m planning to go next month.
I have tried the rates given by bonfires. I want to settle on Diani sea lodge.
Lakini I’m sure kuna elders hapa wanaweza advice otherwise, kindly if someone a naweza advice whether the option is good ama there are better places to stay other than this
Siku hizi coast ni kama imekufa. The place is deserted. I cant imagine it is the same place I used to stay in the 2000s.
For your question: I dont know what kind of holiday you are looking at but if you are intrested in partying, Diani has been the best place to be since the mombasa and kilifi curfew rules took effect. North coast has been dead ju kila mahali kunafungwa mapema (unless you know your way across backyard roads and hidden gates…if you know you know). If you find a sharp girl in Anuba she is likely to show you such places and you can have a good time in north coast otherwise enda tu Diani.
Huwezi jipangia holiday ya place karibu kama mombasa? Lazima uinvolve watu wa bonfire? Mnapenda starehe sana bila kuchokesha akili zenu, na mtalipia gharama kubwa kwa kuachia wengine washughlikie matakwa yenu
[li]Create a plan for your holiday / Activities.[/li][li]Look for an AirbNb around the activity zone.[/li][li]Travel.[/li][li]Fanya shopping ya nyumba tu on foods and stuff to last you the time you’ll be there.[/li][li]You’ll save 10’s of thousands with this simple plan.[/li][/ol]
This is a good plan if you are a family man and have many heads to take to coast.
I took my family to Mombasa for 8 days last year and spent ~50K on the rent for a 3 bedroom fully furnished apartment. My total cost for that trip was less than 100K for a family of 6 which included house help and people knocked themselves crazy down there. Of that 100k, I came back with some good change.
Kama wewe ni bachelor and feel like flexing your pockets then bonfire venture is a good plan for you
Compare bonfire then tafuta number ya Baobab resort,pigia hao na uwambie unakam na wakupatie rate musuri ya all inclusive panda ramshackles za pale wilson for the experience. Thank me later
If going alone then go with hao akina bonfire ama bountiful safaris etc coz to be honest even if you call the hotels direct highly unlikely they’ll give you that big difference if alone and only staying for a short time (3 nights and below).Lakini if going with family then consider the option umepewa hapo juu ya Airbnb.