What is there to worry about that?Let the stupid men continue to be racist as long as their women are accomodative and generous.
How do you equate squatting in an un-occupied building to stealing? That is just being smart and creative.
What im about to say will not sit right with everyone BUT;
IT IS NOT STEALING IF YOU TAKE IT FROM A RICH FOREIGNER!.. Every one of them is not in Kenya for your interests,they are the ones doing all the plundering and thieving but ofcourse when the country is being robbed blind by foreigners it is not stealing,it is called “Trade” and “investment”…NKT!
They are not “parallel students”. They are called students in the Parallel Degree Programme. Better yet, why not call them privately-sponsored students to differenciate them from the government-sponsored students?? Hujui kutumia euphemisms na wewe ni mtu wa NGO [pronounce “ngo”]. ?
@kanu_lingus, thanks for your explanation. I know what “parallel” students are and I know what euphemisms are. You certainly will allow that I furthermore will use the expression “parallel student” to differentiate them from the government-sponspored or JAB students - you know time is money and I need much money for these students with needy backgrounds.
David, inbox me chap chap
That’s the problem with Kenyans, when we engage in corrupt practices as individuals, we call it kuchanuka or being smart as you call it but when it’s done by others or those in authority, then we can see it as corruption.
When these programs were began and run by UNES at UoN, they were called Parallel Degree Programmes. Later, when Moi Uni began the same, they called theirs PSSP. IMO, both names are quite alright.
Its called adverse possession. The limitation of action Act prescribes 12 years here in Kenya. If you move in n stay for 12 years of quite enjoyment, then you will apply to the high court and the title to the property will be transfered to you. It is crucial not to lease the place during these 12 years as the court will look at actual occupation.
As stated hapo juu, they have to be in your name. E.g. Kama stima huwezi backdate in your own name.
utaskia ploti iko na kesi