Vacancy, applications invited

Trump’s DOGE strategy while good for MAGA, at least on the face of it and on paper as we await to see where the chips will fall has its downside, and here IAM restricting myself to withdrawal of foreign funding or cutting down.

As someone said on this forum USAID funding of projects has other security dimensions; it is what in diplomatic parlance they call soft diplomacy. It is employed to leverage power over recipient powers for example.

For the US to retain it’s superpower status it must have states allover the world that it can control and use. These relationships are maintained through supporting the governments either directly through budget deficit aid or civil society funding. Embedded in this relationship is access to markets and government projects that end up benefitting US corporates and it’s allies (a’he who pays the piper ’ situation).

By withdrawing or cutting down on aid US will leave her allies and partners exposed to influence by other global powers such as China and Russia which will affect US’ corporates at a disadvantage. The same repercussions will be felt in the security sector. Pundits say for example that when Trump during his first term cut back on military spending and US engagement in the Middle East, Iran and her laptop militias were able to build there capacity enough to attack Israel and that’s how Gaza happened, and expensive undertaking to clean up Trump’s mess.

Africa can take advantage of this moment where we are under no influence and are not tied to global power politics to chart our own independent path or we can wait for the next superpower to come knocking with a few cents and demand our kinyambis. Trump’s MAGA and DOGE are what Obama would call a good crisis only and only if we see the opportunity and capture the moment, as the ancient Greeks would say, Carpe Diem!


Well said.

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That is what African leaderships should have been doing since 1960.:rage:

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Had you not been working hard tethering them african leaders to your cia and nato masters. Umbwa.

Obama tried to take advantage of the arab crisis. The result was a broken libya where blacks are sold in a slave market in 2025!

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America will slowly exit the super power stage - BRICS and even EU will rise above USA. The Asians are matching their technological prowess, while most PhDs are foreign students who are know going back home.

This is what US disengaging from global politics saves us from

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Funny thing on paper the American economy has progressively been doing good compared to other comparable nations. So you’d think they’d want to consolidate more power. But what’s on the billboard doesn’t match what’s on the field.

For decades yues has been the only cock among hens. It has therefore been easy to make money as they bulldozo other nations. But with the emergence of China and reference of Russia has complicated issues, making the yues spend more and reap less. With the new revolution happening in the sahel under akina Cpt. Traore, things are getting worse. For the yues then they either change tact or quit the game. Biden had chosen to change tact by massaging Kenya with fancy titles of, sijui ati Major Non-NATO ally; Trump on the other hand is withdrawing. The global power dynamics are experiencing a paradigm shift