@uwesmake please come back

It’s been too long since I had your rancid rants about stray pictures along the road it’s been too long since I had you tell me about your highly insecure sexual escapades which possibly would end up being with hiv positive ladies angle please come back jocelyn o i never take this I just rented it out on my microphone not to be honest you want a realistic eyes on this site so if this motherfukers it dick bitches f*** bitches get money


What would uweskimwi say:
Very gaaay

cc: ugwesmek aka @LIEN

R.I.P uncle @uwesmake

Pia mimi namiss anko, huwa ananipa motivation yakuingia job na kumeet new women na kufuck. When im with a female species i always ask myself what would @uwesmake do?


Nenda umtafute pale www.uwesmake.com

;);););):wink: waliuwa uncle


Ana mourn Wenger kutandikwa Jana

He wants to @thruster uwes

Fungueni kabat kwa inbox , how do you miss a man?

ango uwes !!!Gaaaaaaaaay!!!

I see very many weak men here who are influenced by an online character.
How do you confess to ferking around since Uwesmake makes it sound cool?
Don’t you have a brain of your own?

umbwa , wewe unaweza kuwa tu role model wa panya iko na ukimwi