Kwani muhindi alifuta yeye kazi ?
Wacha uchokozi
@uwesmake cannot be trusted with mammals or even reptiles, period. That is because bukusu @uwesmake will fuck that goat mercilessly and repeatedly.
Before they are circumcised and become blood thirsty cannibals , Bukusu initiates practice early sexual intercourse on kienyeji chickens.
That is what Bukusus call “kurushia kuku mtama”.
It is an ancient Bukusu codeword for fuaking a chicken.
“Jana nilirushia kuku mtama na kifaranga ikiangia box. Hio ingokho likuwa na cloaca tamu sana.”
So anyway, you would find a young @Mundu Mulosi Bs Ms Ma PhD and ScD enticing his neighbours chicken kulu kulu kulu kulu… anairushia ugali ya jana ndio ikuje karibu na cube yake.
Kuku jinga inajipeleka tu kichinjio. The Bukusu serpent @Mundu Mulosi Bs Ms Ma PhD and ScD quickly shuts the door in this case an old mabati in his hut structure.
For the next 30 minutes all you will hear is the kienyeji chicken screaming for mercy while Bukusu Mulosi grunts with pleasure while wailing Bukusu war chants.
After he is done destroying the innocent chicken Mulosi the releses it irudi kwa boma ya carpenter Lichoti senior.
Kidogo kidogo unaskia mama ya @uwesmake, “Bonaventure chemsha maji na utayarishe kisu hio ingokho leo inalala kwa tumbo!”
Chifu anasweep ankoo round hii after Ile saga ya cassava na globe trotting:D:D
Wachaneni na ango kiasi mnafanya apate depession bure bure tu
Anko lichoti @uwesmake dryfry artist, navy seal team 6, Baba clinchy, sniper hodari hako ana Kom all guns blazing. Time kiasi …