Atafute hio malaya aitombe tena… The problem is how does one go and drink with his wife? How? Mimi ukuja na bibi yako kwa our drinking den nakufukuza cant sit and enjoy drinking with a friend who has the wife around sasa hatuwezi ongea matope na kuguza bar maid matako…
You can never, ever suggest going to your house with your friend‘s chick. NEVER. In fact, you shouldn’t be socializing with your friend’s girl. Period. Jamaa kama alitoka, hiyo kikao nayo ilitakiwa iishe. Kama ulikuwa unamtamani huyo dada kisirisiri, ungesubiri waachane. She was traumatized and devastated because you forced yourself on her. She probably agreed to go to your house because she TRUSTED you as his man’s loyal friend. I am sorry man, but this is hard to swallow. Nakumbuka nilikuwa na beste yangu mmoja his chick came to my room (we had gone for a road-trip and I was single) and opened her top to show me her bra-less perky boobs while my friend had passed out drunk in their room. Inasmuch as I wanted to ravage her young soul, there was no freaking way I would touch her.…and she was not even a steady girlfriend yet. Well, they ended up breaking up later. Kaliniijia nikakakula with a clean conscience.
Wacha upus. If a drunk woman lacks the ability to make rational decisions, why wouldn’t the same apply to the man? From where I stand, it is the man who was misled into betraying a friendship.
She gave in intentionally then guilt tripped you. Nowhere have you mentioned she was drinking. How does she agree to accompany her husband’s dead drunk friend to his house at 3am? How can a dead drunk man force himself on a sober woman without her screaming etc? Why does she wait until you get up at 6am for her to begin her rants/accusations? Alikuwa anakupima and you fell for it, if you had put on a stone face and told her aache ujinga it was consensual, she’d have began pleading with you not to tell the husband.
I think you feel guilty coz as you had stated, she was “down to earth” whatever that means. You did not expect her to cheat on her husband so you blamed yourself.
She cheated knowingly and will never tell the husband. Keep it to yourself too, don’t ever think of that emotional nonsense ati you go to confess to the guy to “clear your conscience”. That’s why you think the lady will expose you one day. Well, SHE WILL NEVER TELL. Do not break up a happy home.
Wow superb. men are capable of integrity. Let rapists wa hapa not mess up jina ya men … na by the way alpha male hawajisemi but actions wow. She trusted him as a friend period
mtu hukubali kwenda kwa klabu kukunywa na bibi yake ajue hana bibi. Na ukioa mwanamke alafu ujipate mkienda kwa klabu mkakunywe pombe hadi saa tisa asubuhi, jiulize huyo ni bibi wa iana gani. And if you have to explain what you are doing in English language, know it doesn’t make sense. Whenever you are doing something like that. Explain it to yourself in your mother tongue and see how senseless it looks.