It is less of the facilities but more on real knowledge of what is needed.
Traditional coaches are left to coach and Keny has plenty of good coaches, but what did KFF employ this man for?
Coaching? where is the Manager??
If your end goal is sustainable results…aka qualify for WC, YOU DO NOT CONTRACT A MANAGER FOR ONLY 2 MONTHS!
If you love the game, tuna mawa kwa NYUMBA za matapeli wa KFF.
They need to go!
What a joke. There are primary school students who train harder and better than this. Is that man even a real coach?
Hii si full training session…this could be a bonding session. Wacheni utiaji.
Pia hatujui kama the new coaches has a new system that they are taking time to adapt to.
Wacha players wacomplain kwanza ndio tu come up with theories.
Fair enough.
But FKF and mediocrity ni kitu kimoja. Would you honestly be surprised if the coaching really was this crappy? As for players complaining, they will do it as who? Where? With what authority and support? Athletes wa Kenya huvumilia tu. What little they get from the government they are grateful for. What they don’t, they fear talking about. Let’s not pretend Kenyan football is anything other than a circus.
Harambee Wankers
I knew Tanzania were to play Mali yesterday in Morocco what I didn’t know is that they would use Kenya’s colours and flag:oops:
Precisely, a bonding session. Anyone who has been part of a team, and participated in team building would know this.
Shida sio training. Shida ni ile mkamba kipii huongea mingi.
Played basketball and rugby and we never did this even once lmao
Sawa…different coaches different techniques…and surely each sport has its own unique bonding activities…you dont expect this kwa rudge and b.ball.
Mzito…your too sharp to be making such statements.
Want the team to feel at ease in his presence.
Coaches wengine hupelekana base ya pizza na kuku. Wengine hushika mzinga bora watu wazoeane… Watu hufanya upuzi wanazoeana. Still practice football though on sundays and I do miss such moments.
Harambee stars ni umbwa.
an effing PE teachero_O[ATTACH=full]390712[/ATTACH]
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1 (all)
(at least he was bold enuff to sub off some of these wet wipes:meffi:)
Those are Jaluos playing and some coast guys.That does not represent Kenya…Kenya has 41 tribes.
True but they are Kenyans wearing the Kenyan flag so…
Maybe centro should stop brushing aside footy now that many Africans have made a fortune and a name?
From a pure biashara perspective, a big time [SIZE=1]kiriniki[/SIZE] would bring more doe than a [SIZE=1]matato[/SIZE]
Kwani.all measuring point ni Central.Like i said there are 41 tribes in Kenya na sio lazima kila tribe iwe represented but team can’t have one dominant tribe,it has to include others tribes even if not all of them.
In running,Kales are majority but in there you hear of a Kisii,Kamba,Kyuk,Luyha
Wacha kufikiria all comparison should be against Central Kenya
But they were picked by a Mzungu. Kwani he knows tribes?