Usiku sako, goodbyes edishen.........

All good things must come to an end and sadly(for me) tonight marks the end of my forays into ktalk. You see, ktalk to me was entertainment, education, history, luv, laughter, sadness, fights, friendships, enlightenment, a different perspective and soo much more rolled into one. Sadly with the upgrade(down grade in my eyes) I don’t seem to enjoy all the above experiences any more. The bible says (Matthew 5:13)that when salt loses it’s taste, it’s no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. So tonight, with a heavy heart I throw out the tasteless salt that is ktalk post-upgrade.
I wish all you my online friends good health, and prosperity in all ur endeavours.




Waiting patiently for a new handle called @old.

we will sniff out your new handle the moment it lands here

Lakini hii upgrade ni upussy…hadi kudownload picha za safisha mecho ni ngumu

It’s raining heavily all over the city.Poleni sana all those stuck in traffic in various roads.

This stuuupidity sucks ads ziko juu katikati na below, cant even see more than 10 posts kwa section ya (new posts) thinking of moving on too. old klist was about the users expiriences hii sasa ni shinny eyes wamepoteza mbiachara cia makaa wanajaribu kukapitalize hapa braaari nugu.

Thie ukiumaga

Wapi huko kwenye hakuna mvua

Ktalk is a spit copy of Jamii forums. Just different colors.

shemeji ngombe hii. kama mzee kama mimi na struggle with the new site so as to keep up with the galloping young horses, wewe ni nani to throw your towel just like that. wacha usharap and come back. Dont make me look for jaruo to come there with a stone and dig you off your hiding hole.

hii upgrade ina bore mbaya kwanza kuweka advert za jumuia and others after every thread ina bore sanaaa . hata mukiangalia threads zimereduce na replies ni less . am also considering leaving the boring ‘upgraded’ village .


@Young we do not want to lose you guys and your wisdom. It is strange that I agree, gulp but I do not have my normal handle MFW

@Young : Dont even let the door touch you on your way out.

You are just being defensive. Would you rather not change or change into shit?

Hung in there Sis as we watch the happenings. There is a reason why you are our female MOD.

Write your reply…badilisheni tupe ile ya kitambo. My eyes are struggling too much

My deer, who did this to you?


I kind of did this to myself when I registered back in the day. I wrote the email address and passwords on a paper and prolly threw it away. I did not think I would be here this long. Furthermore, I have always known something like this was likely to happen one day and that I would find myself ‘nje’. So I cannot really complain.:(I was a KTalk reader for sometime but one day decided to register to respond to something. When I told my GFs who are avid readers that ‘nime-register but I ain’t telling you my username’, they said confidently…‘give us a week we will smoke you out’. They were spot on!

But ‘Crush’ knowing I have your digits on speed dial is enough for me. Rather read that I am working hard to gain access to your wallet.:)March is the end of the F/Y so ma-bills zinaniangalia hapa ni kama zina macho.:rolleyes::mad:. I sure will be in touch!

xxx 1c