Night Runners Karibuni. #ChokoshWoes continues as the butcher got equatored
Toninght we celebrate the Newyear of the Chinese year of the Mo*, festivities will be much later as for now preparations are ongoing
the nightfarmer @Nefertities is bringing butternuts bananas oranges and assorted vegetables @uwesmake is bringingthe midget momo strippers
momo1 @Guru is cooking/serving @Meria Mata is bringing mnazi @Purr_27 is arranging cutlery, swings etc
security will be tight tonight @pamba@imei2012 and @bjurman backed by bukusu,kikuyu and aembu sheparts are in charge.
entrance to usikusacco card holders only tresspassers will be fed to the sheparts
Niponipo.Tupotupo!..Present.On watu kupewa equator, @admin should consider elongating the process so that we can have like what Tunoi is currently going kitengo cha wachinjaji, then muungano wa wauza nyama, then jopo maalaum liundwe kumchunguza kabla ya Rais(@admin) kukabidhiwa ripoti ya mwisho!
present…na before niendele @Meria Mata can you explan why CBD mzima mombasa stima inapotea siku mzima ama ni deal ilikuwa inafanyika na meria friday unaenda churchill kule flamingo?
back to my todays heka…nimeshinda poa siwezi complain
na watch movie exercise of the begining …movie imeactiwa kenya …we have a beautiful country…wame act turukana thou wanaonesha how poor we are na dying of hunger nothing positive about kenya
And as you party on,there is a new villager who has opened another U.S register. After members kumulikwa kwa magazine naona vultures have already started circling…chungeni.