nightrunners nightfarmers. pole kwa kufungua sacco late.
gumblers leo siku imekuwaje munacelebrate ama muna mourn?
D.O 1 is feeling much better now especially after HR Dr. @Cogito ergo sum advice
#welcome back Uwes


was just about to arrogate myself the duty, thinking chairman alishikwa na Sirkal…wenye kubet leo wanalilia kwa choo…naskia tu City, mara liverpool ni malenge…


listening to some Black Lab and Tom Odell before usingizi iniangushe…

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Present. Ulinisambazia homa
I have a very bad irritation kwa koo.

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pole kwa homa. kula ndimu kwa chai. ikiongezeka gaggle betadine mouthwash itakusaidia sana

Namalizia hii kitabu The Everything Store, soul music somewhere kwa background had a good day though and Uwes is back

It’s gamblers, you think grammar is a motherfucking game?

Reminds me, once got suspended in high school for using Listerine mwalimu alisema ni pombe nimekunywa asubuhi

Present, watching waste management Phoenix open

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glammar nasi. my word here is law


Hiyo homa mlisabaziania mkiwa mnafanya nini?

wewe uza mtura. mambo ya homa hutawezana

Naona rasha rasha… Wameleta madem wako na mahaga kubwa kwa studio ku dance lingala… Tune in ninjas

Leo nilichemsha Oxtail yangu vizuri ikaiva poa nikapika kaugali nikaanza kukula.
The next thing i know… Meno yangu moja ya Grill (mbele) ikakwama kwa hiyo Mkia!
As i went to swallow nikaskia …eishh… hii si nyama peke yake!

I am one tooth short of my Dental Grill watu wangu and my Buddy from Guyana ameniambia ati its a sign of Nuks!!
These Carribbeans wako na uchawi kushinda Naijas…! Is it true?

Anyway,i have just lost a front tooth and because its a weekend,i have to wait mpaka Monday to see any Dentist!
Is there any dentists in this Bitch?!..
Siwes eka picha But i need some Dental advise like Yestarday… I am Toothless!!!

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Checking in. Earphones…DJ Chris Stylus!!

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Soldier ama ni makanga,niaje?

you still have your tooth, its just in the stomach


Bae nilienda kuangalia nyumba leo na hizo tiles uliweka ni low quality kwani ulikula pesa…kama ni pesa unataka si unasema, ama ulikuwa unatafuta za kupeleka hii kinyangarika @Akeelah out? :\


Nimefika na register, wapi mzito wa sankara. Tuned to inooro tv for mugithi wa Salim.
@gashwin sisi Apana tambua sirkal, tulinyorosa wao visuri


Anko hio story ya huyu mzito wa sankara naona tumecheswa sana sana na admean, imagine 100+ likes jamaa is still NV na 0 trophy points. hapo kuna kiswahili kisungu na hata kiluya anko