Jesus Christ…the devil is a liar, tht man is pure evil :(…so sad
@admin usingoe hizi picha.
Sijawekazile graphic sana.
Vile huyu mama alifanyiwa ni unyama.
This so called bro deserves to be incarcerated in the same pit for 50 yrs.
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Leo nimeshinda kwa house, watching Banshee Sn3. I was in low spirits.
@Meria Mata merge the SACCOS
Oooh my Jesus! Such a beauty
to clear the doubts?:D:D:D:D:D
the better
No hes shuld be put in with little monsters…will she ever b normal again
For the doubting Thomases findeo ndio hio.
would take a lot of work…
She is in hospital.
This ordeal must have left an indelible scar on her mind.
4 years of darkness and starvation, surviving on your own shit.
Kweli kuna mambo
if shes alive she should get better
And those TZs asking to know if she is married instead of rushing to rescue her.
At first they wanted to lynch her, they thought she’s a witch
Aint no way she will be normal again albeit mentally.
This one time a mama chewed one of my balls when she was giving me head… hata mimi I’d have given her a week off… best brain ever!
Leo mzito akunywi lakini kesho waaaa. Watching Pablo Escobar documentary. Wueh huyu msee alikuwa Mafioso fisi.
Heheheeee. No comment
Kumbe u can be sober? @Wakanyama should like this.