Usiku Sacco

Gd evening ladies and gentlemen, how was your day, mshalipa watu mshahala ya Jan? Don’t think so coz I’ve not seen those posts za phombe leo. Kesho Najua zita anza saa sita and I will promote you to mod for a day if you guess correctly who will be the first talker to post pics akiwa kwa bar.
Special thanks to D. O. 1 for opening the sacco while I was engaged elsewhere.
How was your day talkers.
Fiud Marshall keti pale - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >


Nani atapost Gilbeys? Hakuna!!! Robots continue.


Leo ni dabo sacco… Hata huku basi… Present teacher… Copa Del Rey ni mimi nayo…

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As a sign of respect tutoe sacco a matter of fact nimechanganyikiwa sijui nipost kwa mzito mm ama mzito DO

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meria salute bana

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Day was busy as usual. Managed to squeeze my boss’ s balls to give me an off tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue:


picha ya boss balls…
i have thought otherwise, this comment posted itself

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present ticha!
acheni sacco zote mbili zirun

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Nimeshinda vyema. Nimekuwa mvivu sana leo.

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Ur right DO1. It wasn’t me

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Wacha site iendelee kubore kama leo, mods wajue raia ndo kusema


Ndio kuonekane Kuna traffic?

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Kwa nini ulikuwa mvivu


Yeah both lanes. You gonna keep switching to the smoothest

For those in the darkness hii ndio story ili fanya mzito wa sankara na pukusu shephat apigwe equator.
He posted the pics minus the story.
Dzumbe Inc repost for you.TAZANIAN MAN NABBED FOR LOCKING SISTERIN A SEPTIC TANK FOR JUJU !!!..A Tazanian man has been arrested for lockingup his biological sister in a septic tank for four(4) years and using her for satanism. The sisterwho was declared dead about four years agowas discovered by a curious maid working atthe man’s house.The maid became suspicious of her boss aftershe noticed him checking in the septic tankevery morning. Out of curiosity the maiddecided to also check on what her boss checkedon in the septic tank while he was away on abusiness trip to Dubai only to discover a humanbeing inside whom she latter identified as asister to her boss that had died some yearsback.The maid alerted the neighbors and the policeand the woman was latter removed from theseptic tank but her mental status was notstable.

Ata mimi kesho apana tambua kazi, wacha nitafute huyu @Guru nikamue

:eek:i prefer only one…


@Nefertities MIA

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