As fas I am concern Kenyan DCI and their counterparts are just incompetent fools employed on the basis of nepotism and othe connections. They have NO BRAINS to investigate anything let alone a crime of this magnitude.
The fools sometimes handle evidence without gloves, they also don’t secure or guard crime scenes.
Hiyo Genocide wanatajataja hapo ni kitu ngumu sana ku prove the same with terrorism. Watafute charges zingine kama Murder, Attempted Murder, Radicalizing, Kidnapping,
Fagget Mijinga kïpiiiiii kinene zaidi mumama zaidiiiii umekaaa hivi fuaaaaaa ukihara ukinyamba ukidunga ukinusa uvundo ukakuambia wewe na muhahe yooooooooote ya watu wenyu wewe ndiwe wa kwanza na hii stale news? Brare taktaka ghaseer imbilisi nyeusi cunt
Unfortunately, the dead tell no tales and the bodies are said to be badly decomposed. The survivors are so thoroughly brainwashed, they actively want to die and view their rescuers as the enemy. The investigators, vile umesema, they’re beyond incompetent.
Huyu jamaa atatembea. When you think about it, unless someone testifies that serious crimes were committed, the guy will just be guilty of misdemeanours. Nonsensical things like burying without a permit. Otherwise, if someone tells an adult of sound mind to starve themselves and they go ahead and do it, who is guilty? Isn’t attempted suicide a crime in Kenya? Technically the victims are actually criminals.
These guys Ezekiel and Mckenzie, mob justice pekee ndio itaweza.
For terrorism to be proved beyond reasonable doubt, the following elements must be established:
Violence or the threat of violence that causes panic and fear to the general public.
Political, ideological or religious motivation to cause mayhem and shock to the public with an objective to influence government policy.
Targeting civilians. In most cases, the civilians are not discriminated in an attack.
Hapo hakuna terrorism yenye unaeza argue beyond reasonable doubt. I also don’t think genocide will stand.
But they can pin him down on multiple murders, manslaughter, aiding/inducing suicide, accessory to murder, suicide pact, child endangerment, not providing necessities of life, and fraud.