USA: The next ugly phase

Hehe my monkey are safe to eat

Kuna wakati nilitembea huko last year. Nikakaa hotel inaitwa Cheers. Unaishi huko?

He is a herder there


Na lest I forget,sio zake ni kuajiriwa

Nko kichakani baba…not in town

Nani hajui?

Baragoi ama Wamba?

Hired shepherd


So you’re believing the media of the top 1% of the world who want the population of the world to be 500M.

Read Dr Fauci’s article and pay special attention to what he compares corona to.Dr Fauci is in the vaccine production industry too. .

Familiarize yourself with the declassified papers of Project Mockingbird.And look up Event 201 simulating a pandemic exercise held in October last year