USA is a third world shithole like Kenya

No one should lie to you that there is rule of law there . Political victimization like withdrawing security of your political opponents or those you don’t like still happen there like it happen in Kenya. Worst is even it extends to military.

Wat did the 3 star homosexual did to be striped up ?

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Trump alisema just because you worked for government at one time doesn’t mean you get security forever

Yenyewe huyo Tilampu is sending Yuess backwards. Apart from the laudable tighter border control, his second term is looking dictatorial in numerous other ways. A sudden blanket federal spending freeze is poor management, Also, which government in the world can run without a chore of essential federal programs?

Even though Jambass is similarly erratic and marginally dictatorial, I doubt that he would wake up one day and demand that Rwanda be part of Kenya. Or that Lake Victoria be renamed Lake Sugoi.


Jamaa is turning a lot of people off. His voters’ views are quickly receding. Government workers had it made, easy jobs, can never be fired, very highly compensated, a million off days in a year, free insurance even after retirement, work from home opportunities. Jamaaz used to go to work only on Friday. Trump is taking all that away.

Now he’s putting performance requirements on them.
White people who made the election white vs Black, Wameanza kufinywa ata ao.

Niliona Hispanic people celebrating his victory. Sasa ni wao na watoi wao na grandchildren wanawindwa. Juzi niliona Waki piga protests uko in Hispanic neighborhoods.


Hiyo wa Hispanics is the funniest irony… :joy:


vumbistan is infinitely worse. at least in the us there’s no real need for said security. not for the most part anyway, unless unaishi places like bonobo-infested nyc.


Habari ya Busan mkuu? Mark Milley aliamua kua politician yet he was in uniform. Yeye ndio alipanga vita ya Ukraine. His portrait pale pentagon ilitolewa kwa wall na kurushwa kwa dustbin. Mukasa @Simiyu22 update hii info hapo NATO HQs sub-sub-sub-sub branch joska kichaka. Najua haijakufikia

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Mwano umeongeza kilo ama bado uko 47kgs na magoti zenye zimefura? Mark Milley was the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. The highest military rank hapa Sodom. Ukisema 3 star you just reinforce the fact of people calling you illiterate muikamba maskini mjinga

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Greeting greetings comrade @wasika. Naona mnacelebrate Ati wasee wanaenda ocha. Enjoy hapo Nimesota, hautakua na competitions ya kujenga babysitters uko thika.


Siwezi kaa na wakisii mimi

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Kwa ulipata syphilis kitambo imerudi na stage 3? Your post is borderline retarded. Ati sasa people are angry they’re working 40hrs/wk instead of only fridays? :green_emoji:

Wasee wa srikal we’re working from home. They only needed to show up to physical locations on Fridays. Na sii ofisi main. Walikua wanakutana Starbucks.
Walikua wanaringa sana.
This whole change is being done by the boer. It’s very difficult to change govt structure. By one year, jamaa watachoka Trump sana.

Covid fad iliisha mukasa. Watu warudi job kama pre-covid days

Trump voters in government didn’t see that coming.

Tuko nyuma ya mzito Trump. Watu wachape, mboka. Hakuna cha nini ama nini.

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But they tried to jail Trump, and even tried to kill him twice. Trump is much much better than them.

Naona Miguel anapewa dose. Straight to Guantanamo bay.

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